Essay on Recusant: English Reformation and Superior Person

Submitted By kmaise
Words: 496
Pages: 2


How did I select my word? Instead of thinking long and hard about what the perfect word would be, I simply opened up to a random page in The Superior Person’s Book of Words and placed my finger in the middle of the page. Was I being a “recusant” myself by doing this? Let’s find out.

The official dictionary’s definition (Merriam-Webster Dictionary): re·cu·sant (noun)
1 : an English Roman Catholic of the time from about 1570 to 1791 who refused to attend services of the Church of England and thereby committed a statutory offense
2 : one who refuses to accept or obey established authority

The superior dictionary’s definition: (The Superior Person’s Book of Words): recusant (n.)
Refusing staunchly to comply with some generally accepted rule or custom. The most appropriate modern application would be to that small but hardy band who refuse to be searched, labeled, unlabeled, interrogated, or otherwise bullied or humiliated on their entrance to, or egress from supermarket-style chain stores. “Leave me alone!” they cry in ringing tones on being approached by the store security officers; “Go away! Stop bothering me, you rude man!” The author, whose natural pusillanimity prevents him from being more than a recusant manqué, bows before them in respect and admiration.

-mid 16th century: the term, which derives ultimately from the Latin recusare (to refuse or make an objection)

Examples of people who are “Recusants”:

If you’re in the 20th century: “I don’t care what society tells me to do! I will do whatever I want! F#&% authority! ”
**girls faint with admiration**

If you live in England in 16th century:
“F#&% the Protestants and their ways! I refuse to go to those dumb Anglican services!”
**Queen Elizabeth throws person in jail**

Where do these recusants come from?! A brief history of Recusancy:
Well, in England and Wales in the 16th century, recusancy was the state of those who refused to