Looking forward To My Summer Vacation I am really excited for summer to start. Even though it’s a short summer I plan on staying busy by wrestling, working out, and go to North Dakota Fargo. It going to be a busy summer and I can’t wait. This summer I will be very busy. I have lots to do it is going to be a short summer. I plan on wrestling, summer school, and training. The first thing I am looking forward is wrestling and lots of it. I need to start to be
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status). The process for issuing your Certificate of Eligibility will begin once you have been admitted to the University and have submitted the necessary documentation to our office. If you are currently holding an F-1 or J-1 Student Visa and plan to transfer from another US institution to FIU, you are required to adhere to the following procedure. ALL STUDENTS – The Department of Homeland Security/United States Citizenship & Immigration Services requires all students to show proof of financial
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This past summer I volunteered as a counselor at the Milton Robotics summer camp for kids from grades one through eight. My job was to assist and watch over the kids as they worked on their camp projects. That year, their camp projects were mini robot arms about one foot in length. I expected to have a boring experience during which I would have to constantly teach a group of kids how to do simple tasks such as which direction to turn a screwdriver in order to tighten a screw. Fortunately, I was
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After I graduate high school I plan on going to college. I want to broaden my education so that I can understand what I like more. I plan on getting my PhD, because I want a challenge and I like the name Doctor. Rema. In this world the higher your degree the better chance you have of a better job and pay. My favorite subject is science, so I plan on majoring in a field that is science related. In 9th grade I took a forensic science program in the summer. It was so incredible. I learned so
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Summer Jobs for Teenagers This summer, while all of your friends were on vacation or going to work outs every morning, did you find yourself having very little to do? If you told your parents this they might have suggested a number of things, such as join a new extracurricular activity or get a summer job. Usually a teenager’s initial thought when told to get a job is negative, and there could be several reasons for the negative thoughts, such as they think it will be boring, they envision it to
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I stacked my values in the order I did because it puts meaning and value behind each one. Honesty is the most important universal principal to me because everything in life is based on trust and being honest with one another. In order to be a good and trustworthy leader I want to be viewed as honest amongst everyone. The other universal principle that I chose is positivity. Positivity is very important to me because it shows that a person is enjoying life and making the best out of it every single
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decision changed my summer on the island forever. The immediate pressure in my chest, the sudden loss of breath and the instantaneous numbness in my body would soon be the last feeling I remembered experiencing that summer. Long Beach Island, New Jersey, a barrier island just two hours and fifteen minutes from home was a summer colony for the Richards and the Mills families. With ten members amongst two families, we shared a beach house; a summer tradition aging back to the summer of '98. A tradition
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The summer of 2013 July to be exact was when I started my application process to enter GPC. I had just received my GED credential and I knew that I wanted better out of life, and GPC could offer me that as far as education. I was accepted in the fall term and started classes in August at the Dunwoody campus I still work part time managing food service restaurants and attend school full time its very hard but I wouldn’t change it for the world. My journey to GPC and my academic and career goals drive
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Part 1: Identify and Award 1. The 6th GotScholarship Give Away - A Summer Special Opportunity 2. https://www.gotchosen.com/en/scholarship “This scholarship is easy and free to enter and the shortest period for application. The winner is selected by a random drawing. There are no GPA, financial need or essay requirements. Open to all fields of study for US, international students, and alumni, the US $20,000 must be used for “educational expenses”, this includes: tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment
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Professor heffern Tue/Thurs 11-12:15 Career Plan Assignment Everyone has a dream they want to accomplish, a goal they want to achieve, and a career they want to attain. Reaching these may seem like an agony but you’ll never get to where you want to be unless you go through the hardships. People often have in mind that they have impossible goals due to the financial and educational backgrounds thus discouraging them to pursue their dreams and plans in life. I believe that when you have the right
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Lauren Dunphy March 13, 2014 Throughout my first two years in high school I have strived to obtain the highest academic achievement possible. Since my first quarter in ninth grade I have maintained highest honors with no GA lower than a 4.0. Throughout high school I have excelled in the areas of math and science, during the 2012- 2013 school year I received an award for academic achievement in science and also an award for achievement in 3-D arts. Recently I received a letter of recommendation
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Trip of the Summer Finals were finally over! Although the season of summer had yet to begin, summer was officially here for me. This was the perfect time to plan something to really start this summer off great. However, little did I know the planning had already begun. A couple friends of mine mentioned taking a road trip to the city. Listening to this statement, I immediately was disappointed because we always go to Saint Louis. After a little more discussion I slowly became more interested
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Composition 1 15 February 2013 My childhood memories are mainly just bits and pieces. My memories are the only things that stay constant. I can pull them out like an old book and retrieve them while the world around me changes so rapidly. My favorite and most vivid memories are the summers of my childhood up until I was 10 years of age. During the summer I would spend most of the day at my grandmother’s house while my parents worked. Those summers is where I met my two best friends, Michelle and
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rain forest. 2. I’m in my backyard for this observation; there are a couple of trees around, but not many. Lots of rocks, dirt and gravel some grass due to our backyard being designed with grass, concrete and gravel. The typical temperature for this area this time of year is high 60’s in the day time sometime dropping down to as low as the 30’s.The soil in this area is pretty dry, due to we haven’t seen rain in about 3weeks. 3. There isn’t much biodiversity at my site we have Palo Blanco
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john garcia 1333 W Dogna Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 Phone: (714) 469-3111 Email: Drahlar@gmail.com My mission is to ensure the continual progression of society through educating our young adults. My goal is to complete a Masters degree in Math and/or Physics and teach at the community college level. Skills/Personal: Hard-working, outgoing individual with a passion for helping others. I am articulate when talking and easily engage in casual or professional conversations with others.
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this exercise can serve in greatly improving making the most out of my life and those that I love so dearly. I have failed to wholly withdraw from including very personal goals as I feel they coincide with my professional goals. After all, I did choose teaching as my profession in part because of my hopes for my family. I am doing this assignment with real expectations of it doing good for myself and those I will encounter in my profession. I wanted to make a difference, or in some way be significant
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long as I could recall, studying abroad was never my intentions from the beginning of my journey from high school into college, due to the lack of financial means and growing up in a family where that didn’t seem as if it could be a reality. After transferring schools and finally seeing how Mount Saint Mary College heavily encourage students to study abroad, I felt inspired to finally take the chance and apply for a Summer Study Abroad semester. My main inspiration was personal. I saw a close friend
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Bella Jo Boyko April 2, 2013 Friendship, Neighborhood and Home Vignettes Jackson It doesn’t seem like much, just your average friendship between 13 and 14 year olds. Usually kids my age are looked down upon by adults for acting so foolish and immature, but we don’t care. We like acting foolish. We like being immature and we like laughing at little things. Our friends are a little odd, some people like to say annoying, but we don’t care. We have fun. Happiness is something that only real friends
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Life: Press start to begin When I was a senior in high school I couldn’t wait for summer; to finally be getting ready for college and just having freedom. I remember my brother looked at me and said “You don’t have summer anymore, you have life”. It seemed like a mood kill at the moment but he was completely right. It’s like the board game LIFE, you have two options at the start to either go to college or start working. That is exactly where your real life starts, not when you’re born or growing
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Many times over the course of studying for a teacher it is really interesting to find out that I have learned so much more than I thought. To be putting together unit lesson plans and finding out the new ways to teach lessons. Students need teachers that are intrigued to be the teacher that is required. To understand what core components need to be taught to the students. One of the best competencies is to make sure there is effective communicate in a classroom. Teachers and students can demonstrate
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University Seminar Final As the fall semester of my freshman year of school reaches its conclusion, I start to realize a great deal of changes between myself personally and academically. I noticed that I have become more independent than I was only a year prior. Living away from home you have to rely on yourself to handle your responsibility. Being a student I learned that I have to wake myself up at an enough time to get dressed and go to class. When you enroll into a higher learning intuition
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2014 Year Round School In this updated system, schools continue to operate 180 days per year, but they stretch out the 180 days over the entire year and take shorter breaks between each term. The most popular form of year-round education is the 45-15 plan, where students attend school for 45 days and then get three weeks (15 days) off. It sounds complicated, but others think that being in school all the time, with little breaks, can make a huge impact on the students. Is year round school really as
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currently majoring in pre-nursing, and I do plan on applying to nursing school in the spring. One of the things that did not surprise me is that nursing is one of the top ten best jobs to have. I have always been told that nursing is a good field to work, because nurses are always going to be needed, that is also why the unemployment rate is as low as it is. I personally want to become a pediatric nurse for the fact that this is what I want to do with my life. It is just an advantage that is one of
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Chinese, not mention in English, which is my second language. Second, according to some juniors and seniors, the professor will ask us to read a lot of abstract reading materials. This course is based on understanding readingmaterials, discussions and writing papers. In order tIn this way, to do well in this class, the first condition I need to achievething I need to do is to understand the assigned materials deeply and critically. As I mentioned, since English is my second language, so, I even need evenmuch
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BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS BUS 1210 – Summer-2015 Assignment # 1 INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this memo is to get you to think about how you already use some managerial concepts in your personal life. Write a 2 page (MAX!) Memo describing an event that you organized this summer. It can be any activity such as a hike, dinner with friends, party, barbecue, a holiday, moving to a new apartment etc. Follow the steps outlined below and apply these headings in your Memo: 1. Goal or Purpose of the Activity
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The summer after my junior year of high school, I went to YoungLife camp at a place called Rockbridge, in Virginia. At camp, I met Jesus in a real way, and it changed my life forever. Throughout my senior year of high school, I went through the typical wrapping up process: ACTs, sending out transcripts, applying for scholarships, graduating, etc. When it all came to a close, I had a full-ride to WVU, a lot of scholarship money, and a plan to major in Chemical Engineering. However, after one semester
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30 Prologue It’s just glorious, the smells, the sounds, and the beauty of summer. I had no plans, no work and no worries. It seemed to me like school was never my thing. It wasn’t like when I was at my old school in, where I was lost and confused, and mostly, acted like a little kid. My family was from well, the hood or the ghetto, you could say. Whichever way you put it, I don’t care. I was born at in Nevada, but I was raised here
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and motivated undergraduate seeking professional experience and to perform my tasks to the best of my ability. I pride myself in my ability to compromise, uphold my responsibilities and focus on positivity. Experience Recreation Leader and Summer Camp Supervisor; Mission Viejo, CA-2010-present As a Recreation Leader for Saddleback Valley Unified School District my main tasks were to design and run the youth summer camps, train new employees, run after school child-care programs focused
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Israel Torres 3rd Period Part One Trying to find a job is difficult task to accomplish in this economy. My challenges and experiences in trying to find a job was trying to find an internship where I have an interest in, getting paid more then minimum wage, and one experience is that I’m competing with not only people of my age but also adults who have or are unemployed. Getting an internship where you have an interest in the future is hard. Personally I would want to go in the medical
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Leaders are individuals who influence, inspiration, and motivate growth and vision. Management compared to leaders has put forth much work and time to achieve their roll as a manager. Management is about coping with complexity. Management ensures a plan accomplished by controlling and problem solving. 2. What characteristics of a leader do you have? The Leadership characteristics that I posses are that I have a goal; I have a mission that I want to achieve. I have visions and goals
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