Frau Schmid’s College Recommendation Request Form
If you would like me to write you a college recommendation, I need the following pieces of information from you.
1. Name & Address: Ivy Doku, 25 Maplewood Drive Sanford, NC 27332
Birthday: May 3rd 1996
2. Names of colleges to which you are applying or thinking of applying: Lynn University
3. Your intended major or the area(s) which you are most interested in studying: My intended Major is Biology. The biology program is a very important stepping stone for a wide range of career opportunities. I plan on going on to Dental school. An understanding of basic biological principles is an increasing importance in today’s world.
4. What do you believe was/is your greatest strength in or contribution to our class? In other words, what do you think I should highlight when writing your recommendation? If you would attach a piece of work of which you are most proud (homework, essay, or project), that supports your position, it would be most appreciated!
My greatest contribution to my graduating class was my personality. I was more on the quiet side when it came to physically interacting with my peers. One of my greatest strength was my work ethic and presence in the classroom setting. I never settled for second best and I utilized class time in a productive and determined manner.
5. A list of all your activities and positions of leadership during your time in high school. Don’t forget jobs and any church or community activities that are not school-related. Please include the number of years you have been involved. Most students will type up a list that can be given to all their teachers who write them letters of recommendation.
I was an active member of the Girl Scouts from my time at Lopatcong Elementary School all the way to my junior year of high school. Being in Girl Scouts I was exposed to many community service opportunities. I was involved in Meals on Wheels and Salvation Army. Though I enjoyed all