Film Review Miracles happen everyday. In the movie ‘Forrest Gump’, the main character, Mr. Gump, shows us clearly that nothing is impossible as long as we put much effort and determination into it. This movie is based on a novel written by Winston Groom in 1986, and was transformed into this comedy-drama movie in 1994. I think this movie is quite encouraging, it makes the audience feel more positive and somehow understand that we should not give up easily Forrest Gump wore leg braces when
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Lauren Maurer US History I Professor Swanson 2 March 2015 The Last of the Mohicans Film Review I personally like and enjoyed this movie. It made me have a better understanding of what really happened during the French and Indian war. I also enjoyed the love story between Hawkeye and Cora. I am happy that neither of them were killed. This movie had me on edge the whole time because Hawkeye could have been killed at any given moment. This movie was a little too
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Director Billy Ray’s dramatic film “Shattered Glass” shows the audience the importance of journalism ethics through the career of the young reporter Stephen Glass. Stephen Glass (Hayden Christiansen) is a reporter at The New Republic magazine who is loved for his wildly entertaining storytelling, as well as journalism. Glass is supported by his co-workers, but mainly his editor-in-chief, Michael Kelly (Hank Azaria). Kelly, who is fired after defending his writers to his boss, is replaced by
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The film Godfather: Part 2, by director Francis Ford Cappola, is a film that is more than a sequel. The film is about an immigrant Italian family that gains control of criminal activities and enjoys the power that comes with the control. The film focuses on the parallels of the Corleone family. It follows the story of Micheal Corleone who is the leader of the Corleone family. Through the movie there are also flash backs to the rise of Micheal’s father, Vito Corleone. This helps to show the parallel
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Mississippi Burning The film "Mississippi Burning" is set in a time where civil rights was still not put into place. Three pro civil rights people tried to convince the state of Mississippi to integrate. In doing so the three workers were killed by members of the Klu Klux Klan. Integration in Mississippi wasn't something that was accepted and this is still argued. You are not born a races but you are taught to become one and that’s what many Mississippi parents did with their children. Race
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HOOSIERS A film review Hoosiers is a film about second chances. Redemption is given to a short tempered coach, who was issued a lifetime suspension by the NCAA for physically assaulting a player, and a former star player- turned town drunk. These two defeat their odds by taking a small town high school basketball team from being just 15 and 10, all the way to the state championship. In my review, I’ll attempt to explain how this coach matches up against Kouzes and Posner’s “Five Practices of
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Film reflection essays Yang (Max) Zhao The film “Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon” is a Chinese Kung-Fu material film, released in 2000. Ang Lee, the director of this film, successfully and perfectly displayed both Taoist belief system and concept of Confucianism throughout different personalities and features that each main character has. It is very rare that a traditional Chinese Kung-fu movie’s leading characters are female; this just illustrates that the movie itself represent one of the
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development of film making. Who knew that Nickelodeon was the name of what could very easily be seen as some of the first mainstream theater experiences since 1905. France arguably having the largest film industry at the time, Pathe Freres and Gaumont films being some of the first main big boy firms, it’s not that surprising that Italy followed closely in second. What I found fascinating was how each country specialized in specific types of films, like how Denmark was good at its “Nordisk” films which were
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Lynch Film Studies 10/31/14 Movie Review Of Gone Girl Gone Girl, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike as a torn married couple named Nick Dunne and Amy Dunne. It is directed by David Fincher and based off the book written by Gillian Flynn. This film is about a distressed couple Nick Dunne and Amy Dunne. Amy one morning goes missing and Nick comes home from the bar he owns to see the living room torn up as if a kidnapping or robbery occurred. It portrays Nick throughout the film to have a weird
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Kaitlyn Thomas 102214 th 7 period Film Review The Book of Eli The film, The Book of Eli, is a very complex movie that grabs your attention from the very beginning and keeps it until the ending credits. It is packed with action and adventure that will leave you satisfied. The ending of the film will make you dumbfounded. The movie starts with Eli, a hobolooking man, walking around in a deteriorated America that is extremely different from the prosperous America we live in now
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horror genre that we recognise today within the film industry. When classifying a film by genre, there is a specific criteria that must be followed to ensure that the right genre is given to the film such as the plot, the lighting, the “spooky” music, etc... In regard to the effect that the horror film should have on the audience, these films aim to invoke a sensation of fear, disgust, anger and tension all at various moments within the film. The film Absentia, directed and written by Mike Flanagan
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From the beginning of Bertie’s life to the time he was becoming King of England he suffered a speech impediment, which caused him to stammer over the words he would try and say whether he was making a speech or just talking amongst family and friends. He went to many doctors that tried to help him overcome his speech impediment, by using different exercises, but none worked in the end and he just became more and more frustrated with himself. Finally Bertie’s wife contacts a doctor who was recommended
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Rencher June 2, 2015 First Film Review ERIN BROCKOVICH "Erin Brockovich," starring Julia Roberts, was filmed in 2000. Based on a true story, it walks us through the life of an unemployed single mother of three that became a legal assistant. The movie starts off with Erin being injured in a car accident. Her lawyer/future firm partner Ed Masry, loses her case and Erin explodes. Somehow, after numerous unreturned phone calls she lands a job in Ed's law firm. Throughout the film, she works to bring down
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26, 2014 MOVIE REVIEW ‘MAN ON WIRE’ Funambulism at its Finest “Skill is successfully walking a tightrope between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. Intelligence is not trying.”- Marilyn vos Savant. This quote can almost sum up James Marsh’s film “Man on Wire” about a French funambulist named Philippe Petit who is on a quest to accomplish the impossible. With a goal in mind, Mr. Petit does whatever it takes to accomplish it. Literally. Through this film and Mr. Petit’s endeavors
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El Cid Film Review Abigail Franzer El Cid tells the story of noble knight Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar of Castile and the struggles and triumphs he experiences throughout life. The movie is a romantic retelling of the Poem of the Cid written sometime between 1195 AD - 1207 AD. The intense use of color certainly stands stark against the black words on the pages from which the movie is based. It begins with Diaz making the decision to spare the lives of captured Moors and is sent back home to his bride
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Crime fiction is the genre of fiction that deals with crimes, their detection, criminals and their motives. The film “The Bone Collector” complies with the conventions of crime fiction genre as it follows a ‘whodunit’ structure. There are many features such as characterisation, false herrings and clues that support the overall plot. Lincoln Rhyme is portrayed as a morally upright, intelligent and isolated protagonist who can decipher evidence. This is shown throughout his daily life and whenever he solves a crime
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File Review Angelic Battle Psych 515 April 13, 2013 Dr. Sherri McClurg Film Review Autism is a very critical disorder for children and adults. Autism is a disorder that affects an individual behavior in language, perceptual, and motor development. A person is diagnosed with autism at an early age. “Autism in infancy and childhood was first described by Kanner (1943). It afflicts tens of thousands of American
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Cinderella Man Cinderella Man was a really great movie. It really focuses on how even though before the Depression, life was good, and how men would do anything for their families. Jimmy was a very well known boxer before the Depression hit. Then, his hand broke and after a mediocre fight, his boss decided to revoke his boxing license. Money started to get really tight and the power was even shut off. Despite the struggles, Jimmy found a way through perseverance, to fight back, literally and get
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Sonny meets Chad Dylan Cooper, the star of the number one tween show MacKenzie Falls, during a fro-yo (frozen yorgurt) run for her cast mates. Chad mistakes Sonny for a waitress due to her costume, and steals her yogurt under the guise of giving her his autograph. Upon returning to the Prop House with the melted yogurt, cold burritos and 12 AAA batteries, different from what her cast mates have requested, Sonny learns that MacKenzie Falls and So Random! are rivals, due to a Tween Choice Award interview
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Life of pi PG cert, 127 min; Dir: Ang Lee; Starring: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Rafe Spall, Gérard Depardieu This film will restore your faith in cinema….and maybe even God? Intro: Do you have young children? then you will sympathise with the painstaking task of finding a film that pleases the whole family. Life of Pi did this standing on its head. I have to admit I had my reservations about the feasibility of the story on screen, given that for the main part it involves a ferocious Bengal Tiger
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Andraina Randrianarivelo 12/18/13 Pd.3 Critical Review At first, watching 10 Things I Hate About You seems more entertaining than Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew because it is more modernized. The love, relationships, and expectations of behavior is more understandable. However, Shakespeare would not approve this modern interpretation of his play. Shakespeare’s main point in his play is to show how Katherine has been tamed through Petruchio’s foolish actions, not romance
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Sean Gamarra Eng 111 Professor O’leary Review of a Review When I saw the trailers for the new movie “Fury” I knew I had to go. Although I have not yet seen the film I plan to see it very soon. It was an easy decision to do a review on a review since I have already looked at the reviews for this film. After reading the review on the movie written by Kenneth Turan who writes for the Los Angeles Times it has made me even more excited see the film. Turan explains that this is not like every other
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In the film industry it is difficult to make progress and create films that get attention and in turn put into cinemas unless you are already a large company. Smaller companies and the majority of British Film is given a back seat because of the vast amount of American Blockbusters. Slumdog Millionaire is an example of a film that pushed the boundaries though. Viral Marketing and Convergence helped this film get where it is now, overcoming the mass American film industry; for example their website
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extracted from ABC TV’s film review show ‘At The Movies’ is relatively formal showing minimal features of informality. The formal register upheld by the two TV hosts, Margaret (M) and David (D) is in spoken mode. In this episode, the interlocutors review the film ‘127 Hours (2011)’ with the purpose of informing and entertaining the audience on the production and mise-en-scene quality. Moreover, M and D’s discourse acts as a marketing scheme promoting the film ‘127 Hours’. The review is aided through the
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Film Critique Assignment: The “Revew” The assignment provides an opportunity to start writing about film (one of the student’s choosing), the only caveat being that the word ‘I’ cannot appear in the review. Hence, ‘revew.’ Shying away from phrases such as ‘I liked this…’ will force students to start to articulate their thoughts about film in a manner closer to the critical essays to come, while still remaining in the comfort zone of a more surface level evaluation in the form of a traditional,
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The Adaptation of Margaret Fuller: A New American Life Stephanie Norris February 22, 2015 ARTH241 – Film and Literature Marc McGrath The Adaptation of Margaret Fuller: A New American Life As Margaret held her small son for what she knew would be the last time, her life flashed before her eyes. How could it be that she was subjected to so much in her short forty years of life for it all to come crashing down and ending now? She knew she was smart, strong, and capable. She
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Basquiat is a 1996 biopic/drama film directed by fellow painter Julian Schnabel which is based on the life of American postmodernist/neo expressionist artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Basquiat, born in Brooklyn, used his graffiti roots as a foundation to create collage-style paintings on canvas. Jeffrey Wright portrays Basquiat, and David Bowie plays Basquiat's friend and mentor Andy Warhol. Additional cast include Gary Oldman as a thinly-disguised Schnabel, Michael Wincott as the poet and art critic
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O’ Brother, Where Art Thou? “O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?” is a film produced by the Coen brothers that is believed to be based on Homer’s “Odyssey”. The movie is about three escaped convicts who are set out to find a buried treasure that will soon be lost when the area is flooded. The movie is packed full of symbolism that reflects the themes of Homer’s story while still maintaining their own original style. Although some critics may disagree, The Cinematography is spectacular, The music is memorable
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Cass Kathleen Shumate English 124 1 December 2011 Comedy by an Overage Student Comedy is my specialty when it comes to watching films. I consider myself an expert as they are the only type of movies I truly love. I like to rate my movies based on how much entertainment it brought to the table. Was I bored and only got a few laughs, or was my side aching from laughter the whole time
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Kenneth Padron Ms. Parris Literature and Film 17 April 2015 Each year more and more films are created based off books. Films can do a lot of things. They can bring whole worlds to life before our very own eyes, make characters into living, breathing flesh and blood. They can have us on the edge of our seats as vicious battle scenes are fought right before us, have us sobbing over a death, a heartbreak or smiling with joy. Films can make us see a lot of things, sometimes things that even books cannot do so well
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