Media Skills Review Essays

Submitted By Callmesatan1
Words: 1050
Pages: 5

Media skills review
Creativity- i think over the course of the year my creativity has improved. i have developed my skills all through the year by completing various projects. at the beginning of the year we were working on the Skeggness project where we had to take photographs of Skeggness and make them into a movie promoting Skeggness. in this prokect, we made moodboards, and a movie; both of which required creativity. I have also worked on projects such as my production logo, I had to take still images and make them into a movie using the Moviemaker software. This movie would be shown at the beginning of all of my work. This required creativity to think of an appropriate short film to make. I also had to create a silent film, this was the most challanging and creative piece of work that I have produced as I had to edit, record, perform in, and plan it. I have tried my best in all of the projects and all of the work I have completed has met my target grades, so I am happy with it.
Working Accurately- I have fulfilled all the project briefs and all of the work set for me, but I have failed to meet some of the deadlines because I find some of the work challanging. I am good at organising my work and all of my files eventually get put into the right folders. My group uses works very well as a team, I think that I am a good team-mate because I work well with people and always try to help people if I can. If someone in my team needs recording I will always offer. My team uses the production schedule to make sure we complete all work set to the deadlines given, it also helps us to know when we are due for a group meeting to discuss what we have been doing for the past week, and to discuss what needs doing the following week. Mrs Scotts spreadsheet helped me to know what level I was working at all through the course, and how to improve any work that wasn't satisfactory and didn't meet my target grade. I felt most organised in the Skeggness project because I was confident and knew what I was doing. I didn't need as much help in the project and found it the easiest we have done so far.
Use of Digital Equipment- I have used a wide variety of digital equipment during media, my skills using this equipment have improved because of the ammout of time we have had using them. I have used Adobe Premier Elements to edit videos, add music, and adding still images to my movies. I used this during all the projects that we have been working on so I have become more familiarised with it. At the beginning of the course, I did not know how to work Premier Elements as I had never used it before; I had never done photography or media before. Now I feel much more confident using it and don't need as much help, although there are still things that I am not sure of. I used Photoshop when creating moodboards and editing photos; I could change the colour, contrast, saturation, brightness etc of photos, I could also resize and crop photos. I enjoyed using Photoshop and feel confident using it. At the beginning of the course I couldn't use Photoshop, but after using it a few times I feel more confident. We used SLR cameras in most of the projects we have done. At the beginning of the course, I wouldn't even take the lense off or take a picture, but now I understand most of the functions and how to work them. We use flip cameras to take photos and videos, I am confident using them now becuase they are simple, and easy to use. It doesn't take much practice to be able to use them. I am also good at using tripods, we use them in most of the work we do in media to ensure that our cameras are not shakey. I am most