History Of Motion Pictures

Submitted By smith1john
Words: 3318
Pages: 14

Georgia State University
FILM 2700 History of Motion Pictures
Day/Time Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00-2:15
Location: GCB 700
Fall 2012

Instructor: Ms. Maria Boyd Email: mboyd15@student.gsu.edu
Office: Bldg One Park Place (1PP) 8th Floor Room817c Twitter: @mariaboydGSU
Website: www.mariasuzanneboyd.com
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30-4:30 PM and by appointment
Please make use of my office hours. I would be happy to speak with you to address any questions you may have. Part of my job is to help facilitate your success.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is likely that we will view and discuss films that contain controversial social and political content, profanity, nudity, and/or issues that may be contrary to some personal beliefs. If you object to watching and/or discussing such material, you should consider withdrawing from the course.
Course Objectives
This course examines the history of motion pictures paying particular attention to their social, political, and economic contexts and tracing their technological and aesthetic development.
Required for Course
Thompson, Kristin and David Bordwell. Film History. GSU Custom Edition ebook.

Absences, Tardiness and Participation

I will be taking roll based upon assignments that are turned in ON TIME at the beginning of class. Your Guided Reading Sheets are due every Tuesday at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you come to class late and the assignments have already been collected you will receive a zero for the day. Thursdays we will begin each class with an in-class assignment. If you are late and miss the assignment or if you are absent you will NOT be allowed to make up the missed work.

Excused Absence/Tardiness exceptions: If you have written proof of hospitalization, a pre-approved school sponsored activity, a pre-notified religious observance, or government service (i.e. jury duty, military service, etc…) You will have one week to schedule a time with me to make up any work or exam you have missed.

Finally, please be aware that disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to: use of cell phones, texting, use of laptops for activities other than notetaking, sleeping, having side conversations with other students in class, coming in late or leaving early, or speaking to other students or your instructor in an inappropriate way. You are expected to be on time, turn all cell phones off during class, and pay attention to class lecture and discussion. When we screen film clips in class I will ask that you close all laptops and turn off any other electronic devices and pay full attention to the material we are viewing. Finally, though you might not always agree with the comments or ideas expressed in the class, you are expected to consider ideas thoughtfully, respond respectfully and be sure to always treat your fellow students with dignity and respect. Disruptive behavior may result in a student being asked to leave class.
Dropping, Incompletes, Withdrawals
It is your responsibility to drop the class if you deem necessary. Incompletes may be given to a student who for nonacademic reasons beyond his or her control is unable to complete the requirements of this course. An incomplete may be assigned for this course if a student has completed most of the major assignments of the course with a passing grade.
There is a new withdrawal