Essay on An Ideal Hero: Greek vs. Roman

Words: 1556
Pages: 7


1. Features that identify a society as "civilized" a. Agriculture (irrigation) and breeding of animals = surplus food (goats, peig, cattle, sheep). Wheat, barley, rice, and maize.(Sci&Tech- polish stone tools. Ex: stone sickles) b. Cities: large apartment settlements= standard architecture & surplus manpower c. Writing (“gifts of the gods”)= records. Pictograph, ideogram, cuneiform. d. Institutions for centralized & inherited power . - Priesthood for centralized sacred ritual . - Kingship for centralized political and social structure (Paraoh= kings in Egypt) .
2. Geographical areas of early civilizations

- Brotherhood of Man: Logos Lives in everything and everyone as fire

DEFINITION (know the basic meaning or reference of each term)

-Polytheism/monotheism: the belief in many gods/ the belief in only one god.
- Post & lintel: the simplest form or architectural construction, consisting of vertical members (posts) and supporting horizontals (lintels).
- Caste System: a rigid social stratification in India based on differences in wealth, rank, or occupation.
- Muse/muses: music
- Ziggurat: a terraced tower of rubble and brick that served ancient Mesopotamians as a temple-shrine.
- Pharaoh: title of Egyptian king.
- Dialectic: question-and- answer style (Socrates)
- Animism: the belief that the forces of nature are inhibited by spirits.
- Homeopathic: power infused based on likeness or imitation. *exaggerates sometime.
- Hellenistic: followed by the Classical era; the blending of Greek, African, and Asian cultures.
- Pantheism: the belief that a divine spirit pervades all things in universe.
- Contagion: power transferred by contact.
- Stoic Logos: Seminal Reason, through which all things came to be, by which all things were ordered, and to which all things returned.
- Myth: story form (poetry) vs. philosophy or scientific explanation; typically involving gods and ancestors with supernatural power. Purpose: to order universe and society.
- Ethnocentric: the belief in the inherent