President Barack Obama is definitely to be admired; he is the first African-American president of the United States. Obama will be remembered as a president who made the changes he could with the administration he was given. I admire him because Obama was able to organize Obama Care (PPACA) for the American people, pull our troops out of Iraq and plan to protect our environment, things that our American leaders have been striving to do for decades.
Barack Obama has worked hard so every American could have patient protection and affordable healthcare. Obama truly cares about the well being of the American people, showing a compassionate nature few politicians ever care to display. Not only has Obama made life easier for Americans today, the plan he devised, the new health care plan allows for funds to be put towards paying off America's ever-growing debt. This part of the plan considers future Americans and the concerns of the next generation. Not only has Obama improved the American quality of life in the US, he has sought to improve that of our troops in Iraq by returning them to America, their home country.
During President Bush's administration our troops were in a war with Iraq. Many Americans have seen the war as pointless, wishing for our troops to come home. President Obama promised the American people during his campaign that he would end the war with Iraq and return our troops home. This promise was kept. The withdrawal of troops was one of President Obama's most applauded accomplishments so far, especially for those families who had members stationed in Iraq. I have friends that have family in Iraq, and I am especially grateful for this, and I know for certain that they are too. If it were not for our President we might still be heavily involved in Iraq today. President Obama has made significant improvements to environmental protection as well, proving his commitment to not only America’s future, but also the world’s future.
Obama noticed that our treatment of the environment was detrimental. The American people can no longer ignore the fact that global warming is a worsening issue and measures must be taken to deal with it, so Obama took it upon himself to create a plan to improve our environment. This plan is known as The National Ocean Policy. By the completion of this policy, Obama has created jobs, works toward protecting our environment, and saves our country money.
This news put Obama in the spotlight; on August 20, 2012, in the White House, President Obama made an unscripted remark to the press when answering a question about Syria’s chemical weapons. According the the official White House website, in the briefing he said, “We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That…
A was violating its citizens rights until after Snowden leaked this information to the public. This was an international issue because the NSA was also spying on other countries. ( Cassidy) Edward Snowden is extremely influential as a person in my community as well as others in the USA. The reason that edwards Snowden was extremely influential is because he informed people on how their rights were being violated. People were unaware of these unethical actions being performed on our country…
Theory Isolation Theory World Wide Depression Lack of International Agency (No U.N. U.S not in League of Nations) Imperialism Support for Hitler and Mussolini Germany’s Revenge The Atomic Bomb Why we dropped it. Opening “Pandora’s Box” 1950s Eisenhower – War Hero but warned of the Military Industrial Complex Significant economic growth during the 1950s Cult of Domesticity White Flight McCarthyism and the politics of Hate – The Cold War Affluence and Anxiety 1960s John…
and show us another wonderful new world, like my favorite movies The Avengers and Avatar. They can help us release bad emotions and give us enjoyment. Some inspirational movies also help us be positive about our lives and become more courageous. The spirits in movies like The Shawshank Redemption and Three Idiots inspire a lot of people. However, some games appear almost too violent for teens to play because of bloodshed and destruction. Therefore, in my point of view, immersion technology has both…
that and that is why America is so great; she is the artwork (still in progress) of all her’s inhabitant’s different personality traits, goals, and ethnicities. These people work both in harmony and cacophony to shape a better living environment for themselves and the future generation. In a sense, America is a melody that is filled with jangles of discourse but still appealing enough to keep people listening. Through out the years, America it self has been called both the hero and the enemy (a movie…
Keys to the Whitehouse by Allan J. Lichtman Review by Laurena DiLoreto I felt that Lichtman’s arguments were quite interesting as he talks about the history behind each election and why his model works every time as far as popular vote goes. Unfortunately I did find the beginning of the book quite dry when he goes into explanation of each key and what it means. Once the Author went back into history and talked about each election and what keys worked for each President presented a great case…
journalism. He adds that you cannot write different scenes into one, and you are not allowed to merge a number of real characters into one. You must respect the timing of real events. This is in line with the 5ws of journalism of who, what, where, why, when and how. All these must come out distinctly because journalism is fact and not fiction. In fiction, a character or a thing can be an archetype. There can only be one scene of an incident and hence cannot be written into one. He says that finally…
which ones I choose to believe in and why or why not. John Locke stated that we are born into this world as a “blank slate” only to have our minds formed through exposure to the outside world. Education is a requirement of all citizens, it shapes us; it helps us learn and grow as individuals eventually prepared to become a contributing member of society. From elementary all the way to high school we focus primarily on math, English, history, and science. Why is philosophy ignored up until college…
influence in the wider world. American 'culture' has been inextricably bound up this election year with the searing, super-reported Obama-Clinton flght for the Democratic nomination, followed by Obama's increasingly bitter joust with Sen. McCain. One aspect of American 'culture' dealt with below, a huge penchant for nostalgia, was seen in an attempt to make Obama another JEK of fresh mien and views, and his wife a second Jackie - all made more poignant by Teddy Kennedy's sudden struggle for…
- Martha C. Nussbaum, Not for Profit, 2011 Americans often get a bad rap when it comes to several areas of their very … particular culture. As the (probably American) reader, I wouldn’t be surprised with your hostility towards my choice of words. I could have used words such as unique, exclusive, or even uncommon to describe their great nation. Compared to less media-centric nations such as the lovely Antarctica, America is nothing short of peculiar. From the treasured 90’s…