Character write-up Claudio is one of the main characters in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing.” In the play he is a gullible person who frequently falls victim to others deceit. He is set to be married to Leonato’s daughter, Hero. Due to his gullibility Claudio falls not once but twice for Don John tricks. The first, when Don John tells Claudio, “Signor, you are very near my brother in his love. He is enamored on hero. I pray you, dissuade him from her. She is no equal for his birth. You may do the part of an honest man in it” (2.1. 134-137). Claudio also falls for Don John’s trickery again when he says, “I came hither to tell you; and circumstances shortened, for she has been too long a-talking of, the lady is disloyal” (3.2 79-80). Claudio’s gullibility is essential to the play because it allows all of the mayhem to happen in the first place. If not for Claudio’s gullibility the events that transpire would not happen. Claudio is perceived as naïve and gullible as seen in the multiple encounters with Don John. When Don John tells Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero is cheating in him, Claudio says, “if I see anything tonight why I should not marry her, tomorrow in the congregation, where I should wed, there will I shame her” (3.2. 96-98). This shows that even without proof Claudio already believes Don John even after he already lied to him about Don Pedro loving Hero. Claudio was also seen as a great soldier by many people. In the beginning of the play as the messenger arrives in Messina and tells Leonato, “much deserved on his part, and equally remembered by Don Pedro. He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion. He hath indeed better bettered expectation than you must expect me to tell you how” (1.1 10-14). This quote shows the
Recommended Number of Food Guide Servings per Day Children Age in Years Sex 2-3 4-8 Girls and Boys 9-13 What is One Food Guide Serving? Look at the examples below. Make each Food Guide Serving count… • Go for dark green vegetables such as broccoli, romaine lettuce and spinach. • Go for orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and winter squash. Teens 14-18 Females Males 19-50 Females Adults 51+ Females Males Males wherever you are – at home, at school, at work or when…
Stephen Calistro Case write-up Aqualisa Problem Statement When first looking at this case the initial problem was that the new Quartz shower was not selling. But I had to think why this shower was not selling. I believe that the real problem is that “plumbers distrusted innovation.” This means that when a new product comes out with new technology like the Quartz they are unwilling to learn about how to use and install it. 1st Alternative Solution The first solution that I offer for Aqualisa…
The measure of data put away in databases is continually expanding. Databases contain various records, each of them separated in a few information fields. Furthermore, some of these fields may contain touchy data, so there is a need to forestall free get to it. Customarily, cryptography has been utilized to disguise this sort of data, yet routine cryptography has the issue that, for inquiries that need access to a particular field for all the records, it requires the unscrambling of the whole information…
Abstract: The purpose of the lab was to discover which antacid works the best. By doing a titration lab we were able compare the quality of: Tums, Roll Aids, and Milk of Magnesium. Having the acid in the burette and the antacid in water inside the beaker, we were looking to see the quantity of milliliters of Hydrogen Chlorine that took to neutralize the base, the antacid. The more hydrogen chlorine of .01 M that took to neutralize our base demonstrates the better quality of the antacid. Introduction:…
Shanaz Ahmed Monica Gaspar Jessica Cabauatan Period 2 Foreclosure Write Up Statistics show every three months, 250,000 new families enter into foreclosure. A foreclosure usually happens when a homeowner stops making payments on their home, after a certain amount of time the home will goes into foreclosure. Simply, foreclosure is the process by which a homeowner’s rights to a property are lost due to the of failure to pay the mortgage. If the owner cannot pay off the outstanding debt or sell it quickly…
HEAD-TO-TOE ASSESSMENT WRITE UP SAMPLE VITAL SIGNS/PSYCHOLOGICAL/NEURO Patient’s name: M. P Temperature: 98.5F Blood pressure: 112/70 Respiratory rate: 16 bpm Pulse rate: 70 bpm Patient was oriented of person, place, and time (A&0*3) Patient appeared erect, with voluntary body movements. Dressing is appropriate for setting and patent appears to be clean and well groomed. INTERGUMENTARY SYSTEM Patient’s skin felt dry and warm. No form of nodal enlargement were found. Skin uniformly tan-brown in color…
从用户使用习惯/行为入手分析 1. In general, there are two main benefits generated by driving hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and electric vehicles (EVs), instead of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. One benefit of driving HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs is to save consumers’ fueling costs in a long term. In addition to the other benefit, as a result of using electric as power, all three kinds of electric vehicles could decrease emissions to protect the environment. Therefore…
back and forth with each other over email and decided on a meeting place were we could work on the project face to face. We ended up meeting at the library in a study room to disscus how we would go about finishing the assigmnet. We began by first going through the slides that containted the materials that we were asigned to utlize for the project. Candy and I split up the work and each went through a power point picking out each of the terms and question we felt would work for the project. After…
CASE WRITE-UP There are a number of key problems facing the Ford Company supply chain. With the increasing development in information technology, Ford risked falling behind in the business world as compared to more modern companies such as Dell. The company faced competition from automobile companies from Japan such as Honda, Nissan, and Toyota. One of the issues that faced the Ford Company was that they did not give specific recommendations and the proposed set of action at various levels…
The total savings we found for a farmer will be $0.18 per bird annually (Exh-1). For a farmer with 1,000,000 chickens, this increase in profit per bird means a huge increase in overall profit by $255,000 per year. Besides, since the cost of lens insertion process almost equals to debeaking process, it is not necessary to hire new labor force. Training the existing crew, which probably will be supplied by the sales representatives of the ODI lens, is enough to be capable of lens insertion. From…