Clash of the heroes Essay

Submitted By 123ineedtop
Words: 566
Pages: 3

Clash of the Heros Picture this: You’re seven years old asleep in your downtown Chicago apartment that you live in with your mother and older sister. You hear a noise down the hall and being the curious-seven year-old that you are, you go check it out. You creep down the hall, ever so quietly; it should be impossible for a little kid to be so silent! You realize the noise you heard is your mom and sister talking. You stop abruptly at the corner and hold your breath to listen. What you’re about to hear couldn’t have been more terrifying.
“Diana, the reason I can’t do it is because if I get caught I will be punished by death. You on the other hand are only sixteen; you can get away with it! Your father has too much power over us and you know it. Do this in my honor, kill the boy!”
At that you turn to run away, but you’re too loud. They hear you and your sister grabs you. “No Diana!” you scream. You kick, flail, punch; anything to get free, but nothing seems to be working. She’s too strong. You close your eyes and think of your father. Then when you open them, you’re in a palace. A beautiful white palace with twelve giant thrones in a U shape at the center of the room. They say curiosity killed the cat, but it may have saved Andrew Hero.
Get the picture? Well that was my childhood. Once I landed in that palace, I figured out that I could teleport, become invisible, and Hermes (You know the god?) is my father. Pretty Normal stuff! The past 9 years after that I’ve been living on the streets with my friends Paul and Sarah, who are also orphans. We met in a group home a few years back and decided to run away together two years later. We were doing pretty well too! That is until my Father came down to visit and told me to go get his Pegasus that my evil sister stole from him,