Substance Abuse When you are talking about the different views on substance abuse you are talking about the sociocultural view, cognitive - behavioral view, psychodynamic view, and the biological. Each of these views believes that that something different causes individuals to have problems with substance abuse. Sociocultural view on substance abuse says that individuals have a substance abuse problem because of pressure from their peers, stress from everyday life, as well as economic problems
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Overwhelmingly, the recipients of the violence are women and the perpetrators are men. It is clear that women do sometimes abuse men and that violence can occur in lesbian and gay relationships. But the overriding majority of domestic violence incidents consist of men abusing, intimidating and violating women whom they know intimately and often profess to love. Women have been
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Substance Abuse Many people that drink alcohol or use drugs constantly don’t realize that they are a substance abuser. They don’t know what the effects the drugs and alcohol do to them. Some people do know but don’t seem to care. Substance abusers can cause a lot of danger in certain situations. Should people know if they are a substance abuser and the effects they get from using it? Yes, they need to understand that they are a substance abuser and what is at risk if they keep abusing a substance
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one to argue that there is a biological and/ or genetic influence on substance abuse and addiction. I personally feel that by doing that we are providing abusers and addicts with a scapegoat and taking away from the belief that all behaviors are learned. I am a firm believer that all behaviors are learned and not just those that society does not agree with. However, I do agree that youths that grow up in homes where a substance is being abused is the norms are at a disadvantage. However that is
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Substance Abuse It is a fact that most people who have an alcohol or drug addiction now, most likely were introduced to the substance as a teen or even younger. Substance abuse is the excessive use of potentially addictive drugs or alcohol, which can and will harm your bodily functions. Many people who begin abusing substances don’t realize how dangerous the substances are. Before they know it, they are abusing drugs and alcohol daily, and their abuse has become a problem. Substance abuse is
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Substance abuse is a growing problem that not only affects the person who is abusing alcohol or drugs but affects the lives of those who are close to the abuser. Substance abuse is the abuse of any substance. A drug is a substance that modifies one or more of the body’s functions when it is consumed. Everything from over-the-counter pain medication, to opiates, prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and even coffee can be abused in one way or another. The two main substances
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Substance Abuse It is a fact that most people who have an alcohol or drug addiction now, most likely were introduced to the substance as a teen or even younger. Substance abuse is the excessive use of potentially addictive drugs or alcohol, which can and will harm your bodily functions. Many people who begin abusing substances don’t realize how dangerous the substances are. Before they know it, they are abusing drugs and alcohol daily, and their abuse has become a problem. Substance abuse is one
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Elizabeth Vaught Week 1 Graded Writing 1 September 16, 2014 Top of Form Bottom of Form ITT-TECH CJ 436 Substance Abuse and Crime in America Instructor: Jay Castonguay Terminologies There are four categories of drug taking behavior and these categories depend on what outcome the user is trying to achieve. One of the First categories would be Instrumental use, this more or less a prescribed use, when you have a reason for taking the medicine such as for pain relief, or possibly to cure an
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I decided to give up “sweets” for the week. This includes, cookies, cakes, candies, as well as sugary drinks such as soda, lemonade, and/or juice. Since I was a child I have over indulged in sugar. As an adult, it has gotten to the point that I crave and have to have at least one sweet a day. There have even been times where I have hidden my sugar intake from loved ones. This assignment is important to me because an over indulgence in sugar is bad for my health. In addition, I feel that it is mentally
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Introduction Over the years, substance abuse in the United States has become a persistent issue affecting many individuals. In 2008, it was estimated that 17.8 million Americans over the age of 18 where substance dependent (Epstein, Burns, &ump; Conlon, 2010). Many of these individuals being affected are nurses. Ponech (2000) stated that "approximately 10% of the nursing population has alcohol or drug abuse problems, and 6% has problems serious enough to interfere with their ability to practice"
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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) approximately one in four teenagers are substance abusers. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). In addition, teenage substance abuse has then increased in the last 20 years (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).Recently, data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 35% of teenagers between ages 13-19 in Modesto, CA are substance abusers (Centers
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Abuse and Substance Addiction in Adolescence Dana D. Frazier Liberty University Abuse and Substance Addiction in Adolescences Introduction Did you know that one in 15 high school seniors smoke marijuana on a daily basis or near daily basis, and close to three quarters have consumed alcohol by the end of their high school years (Feldman, 2013, p. 371)? The adolescence years can be characterized by irresponsible behavior and risky choices for some, causing the prevalence of substance abuse
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Substance Abuse – Marijuana The use of drugs is nothing new to us. Drugs have been used throughout history and it has only become a serious problem in the last couple of decades. For the past 40 years, drugs have been put into the spotlight because of the War on Drugs and other programs that focuses on the consequences of drugs, specifically marijuana. However, even though society has label drug usage as a crime, people are still using them and at a higher number then before. With this high
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There are no age limits when it comes to substance abuse. Girls as young as 10 or 11 can be found in treatment centers, as can women in their 70s and 80s. "Addiction among older women is hidden in their own shame, swept under the rug of denial of family members and lost in the shadows of medical practice," says Susan Foster, director of policy research for the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASE) at Columbia University in New York City. "We aren't looking for the problem, and we
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remorse Mr. H showed the more it did not seem as if he was genuine about it. It does not seem as if Mr. H has a problem in understanding and also seems as though he would be able to help in his defense. There seems to be no evidence of any substance abuse in the past or current that would play a role in his crime. Though, due to the recent losses and changes in Mr. H’s life that can cause an increase in stress and responsibility the reason for the referral looks to be one for mental health treatment
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Interview Project When it comes to substance abuse my family has a long history of addictive behavior .When choosing someone to interview, I immediately thought of one person. My older brother; he just turned thirty, four years older than me. He married his high school sweetheart and had two children over the course of their twelve year relationship. If there was only one thing I could have said about him; it would be how much he loved his children and everyone knew how much they loved him in
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The effects of drug abuse on a person’s family. Nancy Kiger SPC1010 - Presentation Skills - OL08 Theresa White 2/18/2011 The effects of drug abuse on a person’s family. As a recovering addict I know firsthand how my addiction affected my family. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a disease; it affects everyone in the family, not just the substance abuser. Effects may vary depending on family structure, manifesting differently in individual family members; According to the
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I decided to look around and see if there were any alcohol anoynomous meetins around my location. after a short search i found a church a couple blocks from my house that host meetings at various times throughout the week. The Emerald Babtist Church is the facility where the sessions take place. The church is located on 19th and Patterson in Eugene. The meetings were ran by a group known as Physical Awakening. On Friday, June 29, I arrived at a meeting that started at noon and went til 1pm.
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Biology, Genetics, and Substance Abuse and Addiction Leigh Lusignan Walden University CPSY 6728-4 Substance Abuse Counseling Facilitator: Dr. Natalie Spencer June 13, 2014 Biology, Genetics, and Substance Abuse and Addiction The relationship between genetics and substance abuse or addiction is a source of some controversy in the field (Walden University, 2014). In this application, I will consider how natural dispositions and genetics may influence substance abuse and addiction and develop a position
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Western Massachusetts Teenage Substance Abuse Collation We are a non-profit community collation that seeks to recruit teens at risk of substance abuse disorders, connect youths at risk or connect those currently in the throes of active addiction and connect with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. We offer an exception referral network of highly skilled clinicians to work on specific substance abuse related disorders that affect teenagers, and their family. Full coordination of services.
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Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Treatment: Managed Care Eliminated Providers and Services Integrated Paper Sims Managed healthcare took over third party reimbursement processes and promised to control cost of care through managing benefit authorization. Behavioral health and substance abuse services were not viewed favorably not because of a lack of demand and high supply, but for reasons of profitability and the costs of doing business. Behavioral Health treatment included a continuum
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10 Ways to cope with stress other then substance abuse #1. Figure out where the stress is coming from. Often times when someone is stressed it seems like a big mess. We start to feel like were playing a game. Ducking and darting so we don’t get smacked by more stress. We sometimes take a defensive position, and not a good on at that. Instead of letting yourself feel like your flailing day to day, identify what you’re actually stressed about. By getting specific and pinpointing the stressors in
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Running head: H.B FULLER IN HONDURAS CASE STUDY: H.B. FULLER IN HONDURAS: sTREET CHILDREN AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE MBA 5211: Organizational Ethics CASE STUDY: H.B. FULLER IN HONDURAS: sTREET CHILDREN AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE Organizations are continually faced with ethical dilemmas. Though each dilemma may vary in degree of impact they will have on a company, it is essential that a company establish a wise solution to the problem. As we have gathered from this course, there are a large variety
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that substance abuse and addiction both refer to the same thing. However, although both refer to a condition commonly associated with drug and alcohol use, they actually have very different meanings (Michael’s House). Substance abuse focuses on abusing a particular drug, but it is not necessarily a habit. Where addiction is being controlled by a substance, and you have to indulge in the substance. It runs your life, and you cannot go a day without the drug. The relationship between substance abuse
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Substance Abuse Counseling Many people suffer from chemical dependency, this occurs when the body becomes dependent for a chemical substance. People abuse substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs for various and complicated reasons. It is clear that substance abuse is detrimental to our society as a whole. It is imperative
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Heather Swenson Mandy Jesser English Composition I 1 May 2013 Effects of Parental Drug Abuse on Their Children As soon as birth, children are exposed to new things; new life experiences that will develop the path of which direction their life will take. Adolescence is the most important time in a child’s life because it is where they learn appropriate behavior from their family and the outside world. Some children are able to use these experiences to differentiate at an early age what is
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“Substance abuse can be plainly defined as the repetitive harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. Medline’s medical encyclopedia defines drug abuse as “the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in quantities other than directed.” In today’s society, substance abuse is not referring to merely drugs. There are plenty of substances which are not drugs that are used in
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the effects that substance abuse can have on both the patient and their family members. Families that suffer from drug addiction are labeled high-risk and require unique nursing interventions. The purpose of this paper is to address substance abuse and how it affects the family as a solid unit, along with the nursing measures used to assist the both patient and family with coping with this condition. Surprisingly, over the years the number of adolescents that abuse substances has increased drastically
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DSM-IV criteria for substance dependence and substance abuse Once a thorough patient assessment has been performed, a formal diagnosis of either opioid dependence or abuse should be made. A substance dependence or abuse diagnosis, according to current DSM-IV diagnostic schema, is based on clusters of behaviors and physiological effects occurring within a specific time frame. The diagnosis of dependence always takes precedence over that of abuse, e.g., a diagnosis of abuse is made only if DSM-IV
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Substance Abuse Theories PSY/270 August 09, 2013 Substance Abuse Theories There are several theoretical methods that can help an individual with a substance addiction recover from this illness that affects millions of people. In this paper I will discuss three of these theories and how they can help individuals who suffer from these addictions. The sociocultural view proposes that substance abuse and dependence are more likely to appear in families and social environments where substance
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