My Action Plan
For Relapse Prevention
Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Triggers
Medication Adherence
Circle of Support
Problem Solving
Copyright 2002, 03, 04 by Montgomery County Emergency Service, Inc.
This publication may be reproduced by photocopy or other means without modification for free distribution to consumers of mental health and substance abuse services. Reproduction for any other purpose requires the permission of Montgomery County Emergency Service, Inc.
My Action Plan For Relapse Prevention
Prepared By: Montgomery County Emergency Service, Inc. 50 Beech Drive Norristown, PA 19403-5421 610-279-6100 ♦ www.mces. org ♦ May 2002 Revised March 2004
Table of Contents
What is This Book About? .................................................................................................................................6 Triggers....................................................................................................................................................................7 Spirituality ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Problem Solving ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Medication Adherence ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Circle of Supports .............................................................................................................................................. 27 Stinkin’ Thinkin’ ............................................................................................................................................... 31 My Action Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Montgomery County Emergency Service, Inc. (MCES) has been providing a broad range of crisis intervention, emergency psychiatric care, and criminal justice diversion services since 1974. MCES has long recognized that many behavioral health crises and emergencies originate with a relapse related to mental illness, substance abuse, or both. Relapse plays a part in many hospitalizations, and many of those served by MCES have a dual diagnosis. In early 2002, a multidisciplinary group of MCES staff got together as a Relapse Prevention Task Force. Their focus was to develop programs to help prevent relapse among MCES consumers. Over several months the group assessed the relapse prevention needs of MCES patients, reviewed the literature on relapse, and evaluated available relapse prevention resources. This publication is the principal output of that process. It is part of an inpatient relapse prevention program that involves patient education, support/therapy groups, individual counseling, and appropriate medication, when necessary. MCES understands that relapse can best be prevented when consumers and providers work together to understand the risks, the signs, the triggers, and the steps to be taken to head off relapse. My Action Plan for Relapse Prevention (MAP) is designed to facilitate this process. MCES welcomes comments on this publication and suggestions for improving future editions.
Phone: 610-279-6100
This book is a tool to help you prevent a relapse.
Relapse is defined as a return to a pattern of living that leads to an inability to sustain recovery/ remission. This workbook is designed to encourage you to take an active role in your wellness. The workbook is designed to assist you to recognize early signs of relapse and to independently develop and apply behavioral skills to reduce the risk of relapse.