Nvq Level 2 Health and Social Care Essay

Words: 1217
Pages: 5

201 Introduction to communication in
Health and Social care

Outcome 1 1. Identify reasons why people communicate.

A. People communicate in order to express themselves; their needs, wants, ideas, likes and dislikes etc. People also communicate for social reasons; talking to friends/family, or to express emotions such as anger, pain, frustration, happiness excitement etc. Communication is used to pass informtion on to other parties, so knowladge of a subject/person can be improved and built upon. Communication can also be used to describe something/somewhere to a person without them expreiencing it first hand. Communication is the cornerstone of how people live, it is adapted and manipulated for all to understand.

For example such words in our culture like, cool, gay and sick, have alternate meaning in other culture, this is also true of generation differences.
Hearing difficulties is a barrier to communication, it is imperitive to be able to communicate clearly with people with hearing difficvulties, whether it be talking louder and clearer, using written word or supplying hearing aids.
Visual impairement can hinder communication as with little or no sight, it is difficult to assess how people are feeling whilst talking to them as little or no facial expressions can be recognised or processed by sight.
Physical disability is a barrier to communication as understanding of information can be compromised depending on disability. Also people with disabilities can sometimes be steriotyped into a catagory of little or no understanding, which may lead to patronising the disabled which is a huge barrier in communication.

4. Identify sources of information and support services to enable more effective communication. A. Communication is at the forefront of every aspect of the care industry so it is important to overcome any communication problems that may arise. To do this outside agencies may be contacted to provoide their expertise and enable effective communication.
Your GP can recomend some services to enable effective communication such as pysiotheripists for rehabilitation after a stroke etc, speech and language theripists, hearing aid