Bullying: Academic Degree and Program Essay

Submitted By DerrickB96
Words: 1629
Pages: 7

This magnificent program for disciplinary students is designed for students who have disciplinary behavior problems in normal schools. The objective of this program is to prevent youths from engaging in delinquent behaviors. This program is very unique because it is targeting students who are having difficulties being in ordinary schools. Inside this program all students must dress appropriately: no hats, no shorts or open midriffs. Violation will not be tolerated and will result in further punishment by the staff. The ages of this program are from ages 9 through 17. Students who are normally in this program are students that have been expelled from school, having family issues at home, and attention seekers. These students are separated accordant by gender and their age.
To ensure that this program goes well, the students will be required to participate in a counseling session. This session will require youth to receive counseling evaluation from a licensed professional. This session will cover important topics including decisions making, gang banging, high risk behavior, and substance abuse education. Once the student is signed up for counseling sessions, the family must contact the office to discuss personal information. The purpose of the program is to get youth to see that learning about the consequences of delinquent and criminal activity plays an important part in helping divert disciplinary students from such behaviors.
For this program the mission is to counsel students and help them learn how to control their disciplinary issues so that further punishment can be prevented. The next mission is education, education is understandable to be very important and this program will attempt to help disciplinary students improve their grades in school. To back-up that commitment, our employees will work with the clients showing them how to interact with others in a positive way. The main mission of this program is to change lives and going out the way to do the necessary. This program believes in helping students better themselves and live a productive life style.
The details of this program are 0 tolerances and it will work as followed. This program consists of four months and dependent on the student behavior will dictate on whether the student will graduate or not. These programs also consist of 4 levels separated in sessions such as K9-11, K12-14, and K15-17. Depending on the clients background will dictate which level he or she is assigned to. There are also some students who are consistently breaking the rules and they are the students who get isolated in an area called the dark room. The dark room is designed for students to have minimal contact with other students.
This program also has a psychologist on board to identify exactly what kind of behavior the students really have. These programs have a 7 o’clock wake up and around this time breakfast is served. After everyone has had their breakfast the students immediately report to their quarters and wait to see their counselor. Every morning students must see their counselor and right after they finish classes begins. During classes, students will be receiving the same education as if in a regular institution. Dinner time is served around 5 o’clock and right after that the students are allowed to make phone calls to their legal guardian. This program has an 8 o’clock so if anything that needs to be done before that time must be handled. Privileges such as phone calls, T.V time, exercises or any other activity are available for students if their behavior is good. Violation of any kind of this program will result to no privileges.
To ensure this program to be a success, we have multiple staff on board such as the program director, professional counselor, teachers, psychologist, janitors, juvenile officers, nurses, and cooks. All these employees have well important duties and qualification that must be met. If the staff has any problems with these duties or