Porn Addiction Essay

Submitted By lem6yb
Words: 367
Pages: 2

Laura Meyer
Drugs and Behavior Essay 3
We are all aware of the potential risks that nay accompany shooting up heroin for the first time, or perhaps snorting a line of coke. However, there are many outlets rather than just substance abuse that we use and sometimes abuse to the point of addiction. Pornography, for instance, creates excitement and arousal, a perfectly natural hormonal concoction that may become more difficult to cease than cocaine (Marriage & Relationships). Just as those who abuse substances, the average porn addict starts at a young age. And when exposed to such graphic content at a young age, it may easily become an emotional crutch used to fill something you may feel is missing. After this initial exposure comes the addiction. It becomes a regular part of your life, you keep viewing regardless of how much you may not want to. Next we are faced with escalation. Just as one’s drug tolerance will decrease, a porn viewer must continue to view more and more graphic flicks. This can become dangerous now because these avid watchers get it ingrained in their mind improper views on sex, consent, fidelity, and autonomy. Following escalation is desensitization: you become numb to what you are seeing. It is hard to excite you, no matter how graphic, degrading or sadistic. The user wishes to feel the same excitement as before, but this becomes increasingly more of a struggle. Finally, the user starts acting out sexually. When they are no longer able to