Essay PSYCH 655 Week 6 Individual

Words: 1262
Pages: 6

Clinical Assessment in Health Centers
Heather L. Bienkowski
March 23, 2015
Professor Karen Hoeve
Clinical Assessment in Health Centers
Clinical assessments have their place in almost every facet of the psychological and educational realms. I have been tracking down and examining what the most important aspects of assessment are that come into play in regard to drug and substance abuse, custody battles, as well as the importance the role of adhering to the ethical standards of utilizing culturally informed assessments. Clinical assessments within mental health centers are carry great importance in the identifying underlying behavioral problems, diagnosis, and treatment of patients. Behind every assessment is a clinician who

Culturally sounds assessments have evolved and changes have been made but more must be done to assure the protection of our clients and our clinicians. Assessment plays a large role in important aspects of our society which include drug and substance abuse assessments as well as custody evaluations. Assessments involve drug and substance abuse are a commonality in our world today. “Whether an individual is seeking outpatient psychotherapy services, being admitted for inpatient services, or even seeking employment, being screened for drug use may be a prerequisite” (Cohen, Swerdlik, & Sturman, 2013). The more mainstream drug use is becoming, the more these assessments grown in frequency of use and importance. There is much debate over the issue of consent involved in this type of assessment. Consent is a key factor and step in all forms of assessment, the question that arises is the competence of truly understanding the process of assessment when the client may be using drugs. Culture, generational status, and other components are determined and how they contribute to drug use and the intervention and treatment process. By utilizing specific assessments such as role play a greater understanding of the clients can be maintained. Such role play tests such as, The Situational Competency Test, the Alcohol Specific Role Play Test, and the Cocaine Risk Response Test, help to determine the usage and habits of the clients, as