AAS 237
* Issue 9: Should Laws Prohibiting Marijuana Use Be Relaxed?
-Alcohol, cocaine, narcotics, etc. are water soluble in the system for 72-96 hours
-Marijuana is fat soluble
Neuronsthe specialized cells that conduct electrical impulse in the C.N.S. (Central Nervous System)
Cell membranes for neuronsPhospholipids (fat soluble)
* Issue (no #): Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Effective For Treating Mental Illness? Yes Most Impaired Psychosis (4 meanings) Psychosis 1. The most severe form of mental illness. | 2. It affects mood, thinking, + perceptions. Neurosis 3. It interferes with normal human interactions | 4. It’s a break from reality.
Personality Disorder | Normal Least Impaired
Diagram of Psychosis ___________________________________________ | | Organic/Genetic Predisposed Alzheimer | Chronic Organic Nonorganic
(Substance Induced) (Genetic Predisposed)
Something impacts the CNS from PTSD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, outside biochemical changes the neuron chemistry + Schizoaffective. or structural change.
TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) + Dementia
Reactive Chronic Reactive Chronic (short term) (long term) * Local gov’t will legalize drugs.
Federal gov’t will not, because of its impact on society (for ex. China opium dens)
* All types of Hallucinations are Organic (see, hear, taste, smell, touch). Only auditory (hearing) Hallucinations are Nonorganic.
AAS 237
Perceptions- 2ndary Systems of psychosis (psychotic only) * Hallucinations: Sensory perceptions with no external stimuli. Delusions: Unrealistic Belief
* Transient Psychosis: Temporary/based on the level of chemical(s) in your body.
* People with substance dependents + mental illness (Physical Illness?) have a co-occurring disorder (Dual Diagnosis).
Thinking: Schizophrenia (neg. type) is a thinking disorder (primarily) * Primary Symptoms: 1. Looseness of Association (subject to subject) 2. Flat/Inappropriate affect (the mood that accompanies the subject/sad, happy, and mad) 3. Disorganize Thinking (no sentences, just one word after another) 4. Word Salad (tossing words up)
* Neologism: your own language.
* Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD/Nonorganic) anxiety