Final: Drug Addiction and Strengthen family Relationships Essay

Submitted By Lateefah-Jones
Words: 454
Pages: 2

Rebecca Spaulding
December 5, 2014
Final exam

1) List 10 major drugs of choice and their physiological reactions.
1. Alcohol- Depressant slows down central nervous system.
2. Marijuana- Euphoria, impaired judgment, dry mouth.
3. Cocaine/amphetamine- stimulant (high) increased blood pressure, confusion, insomnia
4. Heroin- High, euphoria, respiratory distress, drowsiness.
5. Benzodiazepines- Depressant, anti conversant, anti anxiety, and muscle relaxant.
6. LSD- Hallucinogen, dizziness, weakness
7. PCP- Hallucinogen, sleeplessness, anxiety
8. MDMA- manic like, high, euphoria
9. Nicotine- Stimulant, cardiac acceleration
10. Caffeine- Stimulant, alertness, nervousness, and sleeplessness
Page 56-97 2) What are 5 major theories of substance abuse causation and treatment?
1. Moral Theory – that a person is morally deficient, that a person uses alcohol or drugs for a relief from a negative state.
2. Disease Theory – In 1935 AA was founded and shifted responsibility from the alcoholic being morally deficient to being ill.
3. Genetic Theory – Began the search for genetic makers to explain abuse and dependency.
4. Behavioral Theory – meaning all behavior is learned, lending credence to environmental perspective.
5. Sociocultural Theory – That behavior is shaped by environment.
Pages 99-115

3) Discuss the difference between abuse and dependence according to the DSM-IV
Pages 127-127. Substance dependence is when you need more to have the same effect. Your body built up a tolerance. Substance abuse means recurrent use resulting in failure of fulfilling obligations, use when it is hazardous and causing legal problems.

4) Describe the types of treatment services including inpatient, partial hospitalization, residential, individual, group and family options.
Pages 200-240
Inpatient- designed to treat in a restrictive environment
Partial hospitalization- day treatment, offers treatment in a semi restrictive environment.
Residential- is used as a bridge between inpatient and out patient.
Individual- treatment is specific to individual.
Group- involvement in 12 step self-help group, meant to give individuals support and