The Correlation Between Being an L.G.B.T. Teen and Being More Prone to Risky Behavior Essay
Submitted By accruz96
Words: 1591
Pages: 7
Early research placed L.G.B.T three times for likely to be prone to risky behavior. New studies have found the true correlation between being an L.G.B.T. teen and being prone to risky behavior. It was once thought that 30 percent of gay and lesbians were addicted to drugs opposed to 5 percent of in heterosexual women which this information is wrong (study of Saghir 1970 and Lewis 1982). The Research shows that the L.G.B.T. teens are more likely to abuse alcohol and other drugs than straight teens. stated that gay teens are seven times more likely to take illegal drugs than the general populations with one of those five were dependent on drugs or alcohol. More than one third of gay , lesbian and bisexual teens took at least one drug in the last month according to largest of its kind in gay teen they are 10 times more likely to use cocaine and 13 times more likely to use acid. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (N.I.A.A.A) studies in 2000 focused on the drinking patterns and alcohol problems in the general populations and L.G.B.T teens. Results from the study showed that heterosexual girls did not show signs of drug or alcohol abusive tendencies or even close to their opposite gender. Bisexual female teens tend to get drunk more often than there heterosexual counterparts. Heterosexual guys abuse drinks and drugs at events and bars more than any other but more limited to gay teens.
The leading factors of abusing drugs and alcohol is stress that comes from social prejudice and discriminatory laws in everyday life.
[Minority stress- the negative effects associated with the adverse social conditions experienced by individuals of a marginalized social group is something gay and transgender people have to deal with every day. This stress is triggered by general social prejudice against being gay or transgender, as well as discriminatory laws and policies.] The lack of treatment in the health care system it leads to in appropriate and irrelevant service. A lack of access to affordable and culturally competent health care also contributes to gay and transgender minority stress. Gay and lesbian adults are roughly twice as likely as the general population to be without health insurance coverage, and rates of uninsurance are even higher for transgender and bisexual individuals. Finally it’s targeted to market to the gay community in bars social scenes. Bars, clubs, and restaurants have traditionally been places where gay and transgender people can socialize and feel safe. In many of these venues, smoking and drinking remain popular. As a result, higher rates of smoking, drinking, and sometimes drug use occur in these environments. According to a fact sheet by the American Cancer Society, tobacco companies also appeal to the gay and transgender population through direct advertising in national gay and transgender magazines; indirect mainstream magazines with a high number of gay and transgender readers, at times with same-sex undertones; and sponsorships of events or organizations that support gay and transgender issues.
Twenty-five percent of gay and transgender people abuse alcohol compared to 5 to 10 percent of the general population.
Substance use:
According to the N.I.A.A.A their research shows bisexual girls have higher rates of drug use than their heterosexual counterparts. It indicates that the rates are similar to those of lesbians and some suggest that they are higher.
Eight to nineteen percent of heterosexual students said they currently smoke cigarettes: twenty to forty eight percent of gay and lesbian students smoke.
Four percent to ten percent of heterosexual student s said they attempted suicide in the previous year. For gay and lesbian students it is fifteen to thirty four percent. For bisexual students it is higher. Bisexual teen is twenty one percent to thirty two percent.
Three percent to six percent of heterosexual students said they threw up or used laxatives to