1.5 billion Addicts use crystal meth.
People between the ages 15 and 26 to be at most risk for using, and become addicted to crystal meth.
http://aids.about.com/od/substanceabuse/a/crystal.htm Crystal meth is classified as Schedule II. It is a concentrate and highly potent if meth with dangerous side effects.
Crystal Meth
Crystal meth is highly illegal. Abuse of crystal meth may lead to severe physical dependence.
Crystal meth is very dangerous. It is highly addictive, and can easily poison you or kill you.
I chose this because I heard about crystal meth being a highly dangerous drug. So I wanted to research on it to see if it is true.
Brain damage
Stroke or death
Distinct physical symptoms
Weight loss
Tooth decay
Cracked teeth
Sores on body by scratching
Ecstasy is classified as schedule I. It is a synthetic drug with hallucinogenic properties. 2007-12 million individuals in the U.S alone who had used ecstasy once in their lifetime.
2009-ecstasy in the U.S had increased by 37% within one year.
http://www.ecstasy.ws/e-statistics.htm Ecstasy is very dangerous. You can get dehydrated very easily and or die from it.
I chose this substance because I was wondering what it was. I knew something about each of the other substances but I did not know anything about this particular one.
Produce serotonin Mood Appetite Pain Learning Memory
Loss of inhibition
Blurred vision
Blood pressure (high)
Ecstasy is illegal in all countries in the world under a UN agreement.
Steroids are not as dangerous compared to the other drugs but can really affect you and your body negatively.
I chose this because I knew that a lot of athletes use steroids, so I wanted to find out more about it.
Stunted growth
Puberty changes
Abnormal sexual development
Severe acne
Excessive body and facial hair
Deepened voice
Permanente fertility
Disruption of menstruation cycle
Steroid possession in Canada is NOT illegal according to Sgt. Luc
Breton (Drug Awareness Co-ordinator of New Brunswick RCMP).
Steroids are classified as anabolic. It seems to pop up regular news.
5% of teen boys use steroids.
2.5% of teen girls use steroids.
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Cancers (digestive)
Reduced fertility
Risk of breast cancer
Sleeping difficulty
Alcohol English 135 Milton Krivokuca Melonie McGee 10 April 2011 Alcohol can be harmful to a person’s health when too much is consumed. When consuming a lot everyday a person could become an alcoholic. There are a lot of risks when becoming an alcoholic. For instance, it could affect a person’s performance on the job and even affect a person’s relationship with family. A person who becomes an alcoholic should quit drinking because it could cause cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and alcohol poisoning…
Marty Morris Health 1 Professor Rodriguez Many American view alcohol as one of the "good things" of life, while others advocate total abstinence. Although most Americans have a negative view of drugs such as heroin, they consider a drugs a benefit. Many people believe that consuming drugs or alcohol they will feel warm and relax but the use and abuse of other drugs affect nearly all American people directly. Moreover, some Americans began to warn about the dangers of addiction. To know…
Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to numerous societal and health issues. Approximately 76.3 million people subjected to alcohol-related disorders around the world (World Health Organisation, 2006) with 20% to 50% of cases of cirrhosis of the liver, epilepsy, poisonings, road traffic accidents and violence being attributable to alcohol (World Health Organisation, 2011). Alcoholic beverages have also been identified as carcinogenic and those who binge drink have been found to have significantly…
advertising, increasing marginal product is also possible. 3. H. Saffer and D. Dave, "Alcohol Advertising and Alcohol Consumption by Adolescents," NBER Working Paper No. 9676, May 2003. 4. H. Saffer, "Alcohol Advertising and Motor Vehicle Fatalities," Review of Economics and Statistics, 79 (3) (August 1997). 5. H. Saffer, "Alcohol Advertising Bans and Alcohol Abuse: An International Perspective," Journal of Health Economics, 10 (1991).iversity. His profile appears later in this issue. 2. At low…
Alcohol should be prohibited in the United Kingdom. The drug alcohol, to be specific ethanol or ethyl alcohol, a chemical substance found in beer, wine, and spirits is a central nervous system depressant with a range of side-effects. Cell membranes are highly permeable to alcohol, so once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue of the body. (WHO, 2010). This essay will give three reasons why Alcohol should be prohibited in the UK namely that its misuse…
Increased Taxation on Alcohol Samar Mirza EC248OC 110915940 November 9th 2014 Introduction Alcoholic beverages and consumption of these particular beverages are a widely accepted practice in Canada, and among a majority of Western societies. According to a study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health of Canada, over 80% of Canadians consume alcohol in moderation (Ialomiteanu et al, 2012). However, despite the popularity of alcohol consumption across a large population set, the…
say there are many reasons not to lower the legal drinking age; these include: drunk driving, violent outbursts or destructive behavior, and alcohol poisoning. “5,000 people under age 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning.” (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) It is also said that more than 190,000 people under the age of 21 were treated in an emergency room over just the last…
go to drug of many, alcohol, is a deeply studied substance that has been present throughout history and never fails to stir up controversy. In more recent years, many people have risen up and have taken a stand against alcohol because of the detrimental effects it can play on your life and your body. To combat these crusaders against alcohol, others have chosen the other side to try and prove that there is nothing wrong with spirits and to let everyone know the potential health benefits it may provide…
COMM 3P14 – Media Industries Tobacco Advertising is Illegal, but Advertising for Alcohol is not, Is This Hypocritical? Rebecca Stewart 4574927 Russell Johnston Seminar 3 November 11, 2012 Advertisements are a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy, and are used to inform or persuade an audience about a certain product or service. In fact, North American companies are among the world’s highest advertisers (Boone et al., 2010, 502). Today, an average consumer is exposed to hundreds…
of Georgia, 2013). Alcohol not only effects men and women differently, but the effects it has on infants to adults. Focusing on adolescents and adults in this segment with a slight emphasis on differential effects on men and woman and the brain allows us to understand why the BAC and legal drinking age is in effect. Our brains are formatted and sculpted based upon our experiences. These experiences vary from person to person and significantly impact people differently. Alcohol has a deleterious influence…