The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a classical tragedy, with John Proctor as the play’s protagonist. Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair. This created Abigail’s jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which sets the entire witch frenzy in motion. Once the trials begin, Proctor realizes that he can stop Abigail’s rampage through Salem but only if he confesses to his adultery. Such an admission would ruin
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The Crucible The Crucible. What is the first thing that comes to you mind when you hear that? For me it was Judgment. The three reasons that support why Arthur Miller named his story, “The Crucible” are that crucible means to melt at high temperatures (Heat that the characters are going through), how the town begins to form after everything has been heated up (Trials, executions), and how everything cools down after its been formed. The first reason is that crucible means, “To melt at high temperatures”
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Nagle Milo Nagle Mrs. Williams 0032: period 5 18 March, 2015 The Similarities Between The Crucible and The Red Scare Accusing someone of false accusations is easy. Seeing that someone face consequences for those accusations is difficult and often unheard of. In the case of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible the false accusations made by the girls were carried out causing the victim’s lives to end with a rope around their neck and nothing more than air beneath their feet. A similar connection is found between Sen
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Andres Downey Mrs. Bradbury AP Language, Period 1 22 August 2014 The Crucible The saying goes that money is the root of all evil. But could religion also be as corruptible as money? Arthur Miller, in his play The Crucible, shows that religion can be used as a tool for a person to act in his own interest and influence the masses, as well as demonstrate what can a person who is devoutly religious through Abigail’s behavior and through the Proctor’s belief system in order to illustrate the damage religion
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Essay Topic – define crucible and how its definition is related to the change in the characters in the story A crucible is a container that can withstand very high temperatures and is used to melt or otherwise alter its contents. This is what happens to the characters through out the book. They under go very big changes in their lives, which require them to adapt or change how they are others, withstand the events and remain virtually the same. John Proctor is faced with the possibility of the
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The Crucible Essay The Crucible was a very emotional book in terms of plot. The plot was about a girl named Abigail who accuses many people of witchcraft. She also accuses Elizabeth Proctor, wife of John Proctor. Abigail uses her power of the court to get to her obsession, John Proctor, by trying to eliminate Elizabeth. She is unsuccessful in getting this done and ends up executing over twelve people including John Proctor. It is great to see all the different kinds of characterization and
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Similar qualities may be shared between a multitude of characters throughout The Crucible, but not all of these qualities are easy to spot. Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams may appear to be as opposite as night and day; however, if one were to look deeper than the surface, one would see that they do, in fact, share a handful of similarities. In order to seek these connections, it is required to look at the true, inner features of each individual character, and by doing so, one will definitely
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In the play, The Crucible a character that really cough my attention when it came to justice was John Proctor. Throughout the play he had numerous obstacles and problems with the people or Salem, and with his marriage. I think for every time Proctor sought justice he was slammed with injustice. John Proctor sought justice when he was the only one to speak out against the Salem girls, when he confessed to adultery, and when he wouldn’t let the court take his name. Towards the beginning of the play
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A person’s personality is extremely multifarious and is what influences the behavior of an individual. Strength within a personality enables a person to be assertive and outgoing, yet reasonable. Characters throughout Arthur Miller’s The Crucible show strength by standing up for what is right and by doing what is right. Elizabeth Proctor is a well-rounded person who is tries to stay true to her husband and family, in which she does by using the strength that she possesses. Elizabeth portrays strength
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The Crucible Character Analysis John Proctor is, in the beginning of the play, a guilty man in hiding, by the end of the play he has obtained a freedom that comes with his confession, and by this he hopes to disrupt Abigail Williams, and her vengeance driven schemes. From John’s first appearance in the play he is put on a respective pedestal, and he is put there because of his logical, not necessarily educated, intelligence. The author undoubtedly puts John Procter in the play with a newer
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Rhetorical Analysis: The Crucible Horrifying tragedies cause us to feel fear and what is fear? It is a mental state in which a person is latent by a certain essence that they have no knowledge of. In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, he uses logos, ethos, and pathos to create fear which culminates in mass hysteria. The people that participated in this widespread panic were “under the influence of the devil” and this also includes suspicion from all times, such as the early human race to the communists
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The Relationship Between Fear and Faith The Crucible In the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the Puritans are very religious people who believe the sole purpose of government was to enforce God’s law. Their immense “faith” blinded them throughout the course of the Salem Witch Trials. This faith soon turned into fear as many of the highstanding people of the village were accused and sentenced to death by hanging. In The Crucible , faith and fear relate very closely with the dec
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The Crucible Essay The word "crucible" is defined as a difficult test or challenge; a place or situation that forces people to change or make difficult decisions. Throughout the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller (intro element), characters emphasize that the novel title, in fact (interruptor), the title does fit very well, in particular the character of John Proctor. By changing himself according to what is happening to him in the novel, John Proctor clearly suggests that The Crucible is an
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Lowe 3 Tiarra Lowe Mr. Jahnke English 1B 12 November 2012 The Crucible The Perfect Imperfect “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest”, Elie Wiesel. The tragedy of The Crucible was led by witchcraft. In comparison of witchcraft to McCarthyism, the accused has no fair justice to prove himself innocent. Joe McCarthy accused politicians of being communist. Those people were treated guilty with harsh consequences that
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The Crucible The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an example of a modern American drama written in the 1950’s whose importance still speaks to us today. In the Crucible they allowed innocent people to be put to death for no reason. It was easy for people to accuse others that they hate, to be found guilty of witchcraft. Family members were very depressed and sad because their loved ones were being put to death for no reason. There are many different themes in Arthur Miller’s the Crucible. One very
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based on their current state of emotion. These characters aren't thinking their actions through or considering the consequences. This statement is true; in fact this occurs every day in the real world, not just in literature. In the screenplay The Crucible by Arthur Miller, there is a fear of the devil possessing people in the town of Salem. The characters make accusations off of their emotion and don't think of the reality of it all. The main character, Abigail Williams and her group of girls are
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profiting from public hysteria. After accusation McCarthyism Examining Witnesses In the Crucible when people were accused of involvement in witchcraft, they were sent to court for trial. Once on trial people were forced to confess not only their involvement, but of other residents as well. If you were to refuse against confession your fate was death, most likely being hung. Like in The Crucible when people were considered communist they were right away put up to trial, with no question asked
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Olson 1 Phil Olson Mr. Weinstock American Lit. February 9, 2015 Crucible Essay The Crucible is a 1953 play written by Arthur Miller, that showcases the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts in 1692. The play was made into a 1996 film directed by Nicholas Hynter. In the movie, several teenage girls sneak out of their houses around dawn one morning. They meet in the forest and dance, which is forbidden in the town. While dancing a woman named abigail sheds her clothes and proceeds to drink an animal’s
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Vivian Wells The Crucible and today’s Society Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible about the Salem Witch Trials to compare to the events of the Red Scare that was sweeping across America. To mostly explain how silly it was for Senator McCarthy to accuse innocent people of trying to bring communism to the United States. He compared the allegations of witchcraft, which is imaginary, to what the Senator was making. The relevance to today is still potent, not only does it relate to the McCarthy period
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Author, Title, Type, Time Arthur Miller, The Crucible, Play, America early 1950s Plot The play opens in Betty Parris’s bedroom and her father, the Reverend Parris, is wondering what is wrong with her. The night before he caught his niece Abigail, his daughter Betty, and other girls dancing in the forest. He is worried about witchcraft in his household. Tituba confesses to witchcraft and reveals the names of many other women in Salem who are also consorting with the devil. The girls, led by Abigail
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between society and us as individuals. At some times, it can be very fine, others it can be very broad. Arthur Miller, a playwright, brings this line that we dare dread on to the surface. Based on a true historical event, Miller created The Crucible. The Crucible allows the audience to see the private aspects of the character’s lives, along with the public aspects of their lives. The character that we see most of in the play is John Proctor. In the beginning of the play, John Proctor is sort of a
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There are many aspects of a person that make them a hero, throughout the play; The Crucible John Proctor displays many characteristics of a hero. A tragic hero is known to bear responsibilities for his own actions, to have meaning in his suffering, and many other qualities. When it comes down to classifying Proctor it’s necessary to analyze his character traits in order to determine if he is a tragic hero or not. Proctor does prove to be a hero because of his morality and his self-pride. It is important
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The Crucible, a time of lost Honor In the play “The Crucible”, there was a vast amount of talent, not only in the final in the actors and actresses, but in all aspects of the productions, like in the directing, placing, scenery, the costumes, and lighting. The entire thing was breathtaking and a thought provoking dual reality; captivating the audience and giving them a slight glimpse through a window stage into the mellow dramatic life that is The Crucible. The actors and actresses were incredible;
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left and right for allegedly dealing with the Devil. Additionally, one man in town, John Proctor, was caught by his wife, Elizabeth, for having an affair with Abigail Williams. The months following are very onerous for their relationship. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses stage directions and dialogue to convey John Proctor’s conflicting feelings of guilt and the desire to regain Elizabeths trust. The stage directions used in act two shows the feelings of guilt between Proctor and Elizabeth.
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The Crucible Have you ever told a lie which later developed into a rumor of some sort? Arthur Miller's The Crucible is set in Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1693. During the witch trails in Salem, many characters show their dark traits. Throughout the play you can see accusations of witch craft devastating Salem. If left unchecked, lies based on hypocrisy, vengeance, and fear can grow like a cancer, with deadly results. Every so often people will have a desire and will do anything to acquire
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Lies in the Crucible For many years, people have questioned whether telling a “white” lie is appropriate and harmless in certain situations. At first glance, it may seem like telling a miniscule, innocent lie is tolerable when trying to get out of a depraved situation. People have failed to notice, however, that even the slightest lie can have immense consequences. Unless we change our interpretation of lying, we will continue to have trouble understanding how the paramount decision is never lying
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Keegan Coons American Literature Mr. Davis October 21, 2013 Guilt in The Crucible When guilt keeps piling up on a person’s conscious it can destroy them and others in that environment. In The Crucible, awful things start happening in the town and no one confesses or owns to anything, then things turn chaotic. Guilt is strongly used in the book. There are three characters that best demonstrate this. Proctor feels guilty for his affair with Abigail. Hale feels guilty because he wrongfully put people in jail or worse
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Long Essay - The Crucible q How is language used in The Crucible to express the emotional intensity if characters in conflict with each other and/or society and to convey the abstract ideas that emerge through that conflict? The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. It is a prime example of dramatic theatre using powerful language to express emotional intensity of the characters in conflict with each other and their society. The language used also helps to convey the abstract
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The Crucible: There are few events in American History that continue to as be clouded by sensationalism and controversy as the Salem Witch Trials. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, a small town called Salem, Massachusetts undergoes a series of trials based on accusations of witchcraft by local teenage girls. As these trials progress, most of the townspeople are accused or given the opportunity to accuse others, which only adds to the mass hysteria and social unrest of that time. Arthur Miller’s portrayal
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Kenneth Tate Mrs. Jackson 10/2/14 Lit Comp 3 The Destructive Force of Fear and Hysteria Throughout the story of “The Crucible”, people were driven to do things out of fear of the unknown; and with fear, followed mass hysteria in the year of 1692. The Protestants saw America as a religious refuge, and established a set of laws and regulations according to the beliefs they had when they got to America. One of the big problems they were confronted with was the “presence” of witches, and the overall
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