The Language Od Med Essay

Submitted By Fredrick567
Words: 390
Pages: 2

Procedure Part A
Get a crucible and lid from side shelf
Clean and rinse with distilled water
Place on a clay triangle with lid partially open.
Heat to redness for 5 minutes.
With crucible tongs, remove crucible and lid from the triangle. Put them in the Desicooler and cool to room temperature. (Make sure lid is cool)
Get an unknown with its labels and the anhydrous formula from the TA
Weigh the crucible and lid (.001g)
Place the unknown in crucible, take off lid and weigh (should weigh between .7g & .9g)
Place crucible on a clay triangle with lid partially open to allow water vapor to escape.
Heat for 10-15 minutes ( do not heat redness, it will cause the anhydrous salt to thermally decompose)
Once it is done heating, center the lid on the crucible and remove it using the tongs and place it in the Desicooler to cool to room temperature.
Weigh the cooled unknown with crucible and lid and record data
From data, find the moles of water & anhydrous in your sample. Then determine the moles of water per mole of anhydrous salt. (moles of water in 1 mole of hydrate)
Anhydrous salt x yH2O where y=moles of water in 1 mole of hydrate
Determine the formula weight of the hydrate and name the hydrate

Procedure Part B
Compare the appearance of each compound exposed to atmosphere on a watch glass with same compound in a closed jar.
If they become chalky, compared to original , have lost water
If they become wet looking or dissolved they have picked up water