Chemistry: Chemistry and Indiana University northwest Essay
Submitted By Maty18809-
Words: 1135
Pages: 5
Chemistry C121- Elementary Chemistry I
Indiana University Northwest - Spring 2015
TEXT: Indiana University Northwest C121 Laboratory Manual Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Linda Wozneiwski, Indiana University Northwest.
SAFETY: Safety is a primary concern in this course. Make sure that you have read and understand the safety rules written in your lab text and that you understand the safety rules written in your lab text and that you understand any safety rules or guidelines given by your instructor. Safety glasses, closed toed footwear and long sleeved shirt that covers the midriff and pants or skirt that come to the ankles must be worn at all times while in the laboratory. Long hair must be pulled back and dangling jewelry must be removed. No loose, dangling scarves or clothing is allowed. Be informed about the hazards involved in each experiment. Use the fume hoods for all volatile compounds. Avoid skin contact with chemicals. Know what procedure to follow if you spill a chemical on your skin. Do not inhale fumes or directly smell chemicals. Dispose of excess chemicals or chemical waste in the correct manner. Always check with the instructor if you are unsure about the correct means of disposal. Students must turn in the safety consent form before beginning any experiments.
Each student should bring his/her own safety goggles/glasses, liquid soap and 2 lint-free rags for cleaning glassware.
Each student is issued her/his own set of equipment. Students will be charged for broken or missing equipment. Once you have checked into the laboratory, you have taken responsibility for your equipment. You MUST check out of your drawer if you withdraw from the class. You will be charged $10.00 if you fail to check out of your drawer.
Be prompt for lab; a discussion and/or demonstration precedes each experiment. YOU CANNOT PERFORM THE LAB IF YOU MISS THE PRE-LAB DISCUSSION.
Lab time is limited to the designated hours at which time the instructor will be supervising laboratory work. There is no makeup for missed labs.
C101 is a co or pre-requisite for the C121 laboratory class. A student who withdraws from C101 must also withdraw from the laboratory.
After the automatic withdrawal period (March 15th), a student may withdraw ONLY with the permission of his or her dean. This approval is given only for urgent reasons relating extended illness or equivalent distress. To qualify for the grade of W after March 15th, a student must be passing the course on the date of withdrawal. If the student is failing, the grade recorded on the date of withdrawal will be an F. (Faculty Council, May 18, 1965; University Faculty Council, Feb 8, 1977)
Withdrawal is not complete unless: 1) you have filled out a withdrawal form and returned it to the registrar and 2) you have checked out of your drawer and received your copy of assessment from the lab instructor.
Laboratory Reports: 60% Lowest grade is dropped; all reports are due the following laboratory period. There will be a 10% grade reduction for late reports. Reports will NOT be accepted more than one week late.
Exam Midterm 15% Short answers and problems.
Final exam 25% Comprehensive
Scale: A(90-100), B(80-89), C(70-79), D(60-69), F(below 60) or determined by instructor.
Course Objectives:
Students completing the C101/C121 sequence will:
1. Demonstrate the ability to identify and explain how scientific theories are formulated, tested, and validated.
2. Demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply scientific methods which include defining parameters of problem, seeking relevant information, subjecting proposed solutions to rigorous testing, and drawing conclusions based on the process.
3. Demonstrate an understanding that all matter in the universe is composed of atoms that react in predictable fashions to control us and our environment.
Right to Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities