The Crucible Essay

Submitted By Saw2428
Words: 321
Pages: 2

Personally, I was in favor of Reverend Hale. He saw the good in the Proctor’s. Toward the end of the story we see how Reverend Hale believes John and Elizabeth Proctor are innocent of the crime they’ve been accused of. “Hale’s goal is light, goodness, and it’s preservation,” the author wrote in the beginning to describe Hale. John Hale was a pastor from Beverly, Massachusetts. He went to Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has trained to be the best witch hunter of all the land. Hale was very excited to investigate “girls being possessed by the devil” in Salem. In Act 2, he loses faith in his practice. The overwhelming lies of the girls in Salem have him doubting his investigation. Hale even attempts to know John Proctor on a personal level. However, in Act 3, we see how Hale’s confidence is completely shut down by Proctor being convicted. He becomes very angry with the court and puts a stop to his ongoing investigation. His internal conflict continues into Act 4 when he returns to Salem to beg the people convicted to lie and say they are witches in order to save their lives. Hale states that they need to lie in order to live. Another example of the Reverend’s internal conflict is at the end of Act 4 when he wants Goody Proctor to go to John Proctor and tell him to save himself. Hale finally realizes at the end of the play that he could have saved innocent lives. In conclusion, the Reverend had good intentions, but he believed too many different