Essay about Syllabus: American Sign Language and Deaf Community

Submitted By shavilyn
Words: 1550
Pages: 7

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to teach students American Sign Language (ASL) by using the functional-notional approach, which focuses on the functions or communicative purposes of people’s everyday interactions. The philosophy of this course lies in the belief that the total immersion of ASL is based on the cultural and experiential approach in teaching students abut the language of ASL and its grammatical rules, syntax and some cultural features of the Deaf Community. The curriculum emphasizes on interaction as part of the learning experience. This content will then be used in developing ASL competencies for interacting with Deaf people in the Deaf community, and social functions.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

increase appropriate use of ASL signs; recognize the fundamental grammatical rules of ASL; recognize etiquette when using ASL with Deaf people; increase ASL comprehension (receptive) skills; increase ASL production (expressive) skills; differentiate between ASL and spoken English apply appropriate meaning of ASL signs in different contexts; demonstrate correct facial grammar (non-manual behaviors) with ASL signs; demonstrate understanding of various aspects of Deaf Culture through the content of language learning materials;
Participate in dialogue with other people who use ASL in the community
Research the Informative Literacy Project data via online resources and libraries
Signing Naturally, Level 1 Units 1 To 6
Vocabulary Expanded From Units 1 To 6
Grammatical Application Development
Maintenance Of ASL Conversational Skills appropriate for ASL 1

American Sign Language: A Teacher’s resource text on Grammar and Culture. Baker-Shenk & Cokley, Gallaudet University press, DC 1980.

Signing Naturally, Student Workbook Level I, Units 1-6, Smith, Lentz, and Mikos. Dawn Sign Press, CA 1988

Webcam, digital camera like FLIP or any kind of portable camera, and built in camera laptops or computers.

USB of 2 GB or more

Class handouts for required or supplementary reading.


There will be about 3 to 5 quizzes, some are as scheduled and others may be pop quizzes, midterm and final exam. MAKE-UP EXAMINATION & QUIZZES: There will be no make-up of quizzes, the midterm examination, or final examination. Everyone will take tests as scheduled or pop quizzes. No exceptions will be made, other than religious holidays. If you miss a quiz or exam, it will be count as a zero unless a valid excuse is provided. If you missed more than three classes, your grade will be dropped by one grade lower. To withdraw from the course, students must y withdraw the course by Oct 26th.

American Sign Language: We have integrated second language teaching methods with focus on primarily on the target language of ASL, which is not a spoken language. This method is required in this course and it will be part of your final grade. It is your responsibility to keep this in mind when you are in the classroom as well as in the presence of your teacher. (This means signing without voice and no use of Spoken English.)

Communication Etiquette and Participation: This emphasizes that each student will display courtesy and participation throughout the semester. Students will be expected to adhere to the agreement as stated on the contract. Each student will be evaluated on his/her progress at mid-semester and the end of the semester.

Cheating and Plagiarism: In accordance to Student Handbook, cheating includes copying from others or using books, notes or whispering/signing during quizzes and exams, fabrication of information, submission of work prepared for another class during another semester without approval of instructor, submission of work not prepared by you, permitting another person to copy from or use your work, and plagiarism. Incidents of cheating will result in