I affirm the resolution placing political conditions on humanitarian aid to foreign countries is unjust. I offer the following definitions for clarification
Humanitarian Coalition (2012)
Humanitarian Aid: Humanitarian aid is designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of emergencies
Cesi Cruz and Christina Schneider. (2012) “The (Unintended) Electoral Effects of Foreign Aid Projects.”
Conditional Aid: refers to aid that is tied to a specific use, such as building a school or pursuing an infrastructure project. Unconditional aid is not tied to a specific use and usually comes in form of budget support
**The actor of the round is a political actor because only one that is political has the ability to “place” political conditions.
The value for the round is justice.
The value criterion is upholding international law through deont.
Powers 2002 (forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, ed. Carl Mitcham, Gale Group Publishing)
Deontology refers to a general category of ethical or moral theories that define right action in terms of duties and moral rules. Deontologists focus on the rightness of an act and not on what results from the act. Right action may end up being pleasant or unpleasant for the agent, may meet with approval or condemnation from others, and may produce pleasure, riches, pain, or even go unnoticed. What is crucial on this view is that right action is required, and that the goal of moral behavior is simply that it is performed. The slogan of much of deontology is that the right is independent of the good. Deontology is opposed, therefore, to consequentialist or teleological theories in which the goal of moral behavior is the achievement of some good or beneficial state of affairs for oneself or for others. For deontologists, the end of moral action is the very performance of it.
In order for a just government to do their job effectively, their criteria has to be based on the rules on international law while still being in the boundaries of what is and is not just. The end result of the action is not moral if the action itself is not moral.
C1: conditionality impedes humanitarianism (corrupts principles) A: (Thorsten Volberg, Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Assistance @ Ruhr-University of Bochum, “The politicization of humanitarian aid and its effect on the principles of humanity, impartiality and neutrality,” Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict,, 2006) Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found, with particular attention to the most vulnerable in the population, such as children, women and the elderly. The dignity and rights of all victims must be respected and protected. • Impartiality: Humanitarian assistance must be provided without discriminating as to ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political opinions, race or religion. Relief of the suffering must be guided solely by needs and priority must be given to the most urgent cases of distress. • Neutrality: Humanitarian assistance must be provided without engaging in hostilities or taking sides in controversies of a political, religious or ideological nature (McHugh, 2006: 25).
(Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), a report generated by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, “Terms of Engagement: Conditions and Conditionality in Humanitarian Action,” Eds. Nicholas Leader & Joanna Macrae,, July 2000)
All donors present re-affirmed that need, i.e. impartiality, should be the sole criteria for funding, but accepted that there was in reality political pressure on resource allocation. It was argued that donors are not just chequebooks and that they too should be bound by an active concern for