SAT Vocabulary

We have selected 1000 words for you to help you reach the right level for the SAT. There are 10 word lists with one hundred words each to make for easier learning.

Keep a notebook with you when you do any SAT verbal test so that you can compile your own personal word list. Look up the words in a good dictionary. Regular vocabulary work does get results.

Some students mistakenly think that learning words is a waste since the chances of the words appearing on the actual SAT test is low. But, in fact, the common words crop up with great regularity on the tests and you would be harming your chances of doing well if you don't learn all the words we have given. Also this is your chance to spend a couple of months building a vocabulary that will be an asset forever.

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Word Focus ebook
Word Focus is our systematic approach to advanced vocabulary building. Find out more about Word Focus.

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