SAT Test Information
The SAT is a standardized test required by many US colleges and universities as part of their admission process. The score a student gets on the SAT is often used as a predictor of how a student is likely to perform in college-level studies. An SAT score is not supposed to be used as the sole admissions criterion admissions committees should also consider high school grades, recommendations, essays and other relevant information in offering places on their undergraduate courses.
The SAT has a long history going back to the early 1900s. It was initially developed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) who still administer the test, but now it is owned and developed by the College Board.
In its present form it consists of two different examinations:
Some institutions require only one of these tests, some require both. (Check the websites of individual colleges for up-to-date information on their requirements.)
When can I do the SAT?
Students usually take the SAT during grade 11 (junior year) or 12 (senior year). The test is offered in January, March (not international students), May, June, October, November and December. Students need to plan well ahead to meet the registration deadlines. They need to allow time to repeat the test if necessary. Although the skills developed in high school are what are tested, most students will need to take time to prepare by working through practice questions.
If you are thinking about taking the SAT this year, allow about 3 months before your test date to get into training. For most of you, this will mean catching up on all that vocabulary that you never learned in school and brushing up on basic math skills. There are many books that will help you. If you have good self-discipline you can work on your own following our 8 week SAT prep timetable, otherwise join a class or form a study-group. It is essential that you get practice on real SAT tests published by the College Board so get a copy of the The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd edition
If you want to register for the SAT, find out the current fees, or get more detailed information you should go to the College Board website.
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