Subject: Services Marketing Lecturer: Dr. Elena Malkawi Student: Olena Zaiets
1. Describe how the three-stage model of service consumption could explain consumer behavior in a low-contact service like online textbook purchase. The three-stage model of service consumption is a customer decision making process of the service purchasing. There are three stages of the purchase process for service which are as follows: pre-purchase stage, service encounter stage and post-encounter stage. Pre-purchase stage is a stage before making decision. At this stage, consumers seek solutions to aroused needs. For instance, student needs to purchase a textbook in order to complete his Next risk is getting a wrong book. You realize that only when the package is opened. It’s not a big deal to return a textbook if you received the incorrect one, but it will take a little longer into the semester before you have the needed materials and you might be forced to go to the bookstore and it will cost you. In order to try to avoid this situation you should ask teacher for the book's ISBN number to ensure you'll find the right copy. Finally, you may not receive your book at all. In order to remedy this situation check the website you ordered from to decide what steps you should take which are different with each site. 3. What type of risk reduction strategy would you suggest an online book shop employ to reduce customer risks perception? I would suggest an online bookstore to give customers online access about order status, so they could track orders on the web. Stores can provide consumers with a Login ID thus they can go online and view a screen listing all their orders. In addition, when the shipment is delivered, customers will be able to review and print a copy of the invoice. Also email notifications will help them to track status changes. In order to handle customer questions online bookshop might have real-time chat features, but most rely on email or phone calls. Moreover, I would suggest online stores to provide free trial for the e-textbooks. People can try their product free
The PARS Model in Group Counseling BSHS481 The PARS Model in Group Counseling Group work is a commonly used practice in the world of counseling that is effective for all ages and a variety of issues. It is important group workers, especially group leaders, know there is more to group counseling than coming together to talk story. Proficient group leaders understand group dynamics and know the significance of group is to help clients reveal, comprehend, and relate what they learned…
transition model describes how the population of a country changes over time. It gives changes in birth rates and death rates, and shows that countries pass through five different stages of population change (Stage one – High fluctuation, Stage two – Early expanding, Stage three – Late expanding, Stage four – Low fluctuating and Stage five – Decline) The demographic transition model has both strengths and weaknesses for example some strengths would include that the demographic transition model is a universal…
of this article is to summarize several change theories and assumptions about the nature of change. The author shows how successful change can be encouraged and facilitated for long-term success. The article compares the characteristics of Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory, Lippitt’s Phases of Change Theory, Prochaska and DiClemente’s Change Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior to one another. Leading industry experts will need to continually review…
be discussed. The two models that are going to be compared are Gerald Egan’s The Skilled Helper model and Steve De-Shazer’s Solution Focused Brief therapy (SFBT). This essay is going to highlight the similarly and differences of the models and their main focus, and how the two models Gerald Egan The Skilled Helper and Steve De-Shazer Solution Focused Therapy will help the clients choose goals that best fit their environment and resources. The aim of using these models is to help people.…
essential to identify the roots of abnormal behavior, the way it was diagnosed, and how it was treated. It is important to recognize how abnormal psychology evolved into a scientific discipline; the use of the theoretical models: psychosocial, biological, and sociocultural models; and these are related to the development of abnormal psychology. Abnormal Psychology is the study that deals with the causes of mental dysfunctions, such as mental illnesses and any type of mental disturbances. To define…
The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention Prevention and Crisis Intervention; Unit 5 9/25/2012 The ABC model of crisis intervention is a method created by Gerald Caplan and Eric Lindemann in the 1940s. The purpose of this crisis intervention method is to conduct a brief mental health interviews with clients whose functioning level has been lowered following a stressful precipitating event. The ABC model is a problem-focused approach and has been known to work best when applied within 4 to 6 weeks…
company, it is therefore necessary to develop and implement a methodology for assisting in the introduction of new products. NPD models can help to identify problems at an early stage and assist in directing the NPD effort in the right direction. It can be used as a roadmap and provides an indication of magnitude of the project required in order to develop…
The case study presents a moral dilemma based on potential harm to innocent people. By using Kohlberg’s moral development model and by examining major ethical systems, namely deontology and utilitarianism, a clear understanding of the factors influencing this type of decision-making can be gained. Specifically, utilitarianism, Kant’s categorical imperative and the doctrine of double effect address the decision from differing viewpoints, providing the decision maker with compelling evidence to support…
Discuss psychological theories for the maintenance and breakdown of romantic relationships (8+16 marks) One psychological theory of relationship maintenance is the investment model. This theory suggests that commitment in a relationship is strengthened by the amount of satisfaction in a relationship which is weakened by presence of possible alternatives. This theory suggests that there should be satisfaction in a relationship in order for it to become long-term. The satisfaction in a product of…
“Rabbits and Wolves” Introduction I will be conducting a computer simulation called “Rabbits and Wolves”. In this experiment I will be interaction with a simple forest ecosystem model that will simply take into account three organisms: rabbits, wolves, and grass. As defined by “Environmental Science- 14th Edition”, an ecosystem is “a set of organisms within a defined area or volume that interact with one another and with their environment of nonliving matter and energy.” I will be using the computer…