SAT Books
This page lists books and resources that we feel will help you with your SAT prep.
The Official SAT webpage - Get your facts straight from the official source. Answers all your FAQs. Register online for the SAT.

The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd edition
- Advice direct from the examiners. Complete with 10 full length SAT tests.
Grammar Focus: 50 essential grammar rules - Essential knowledge for multiple-choice sentence correction, identification of sentence errors and editing in context questions that occur on the SAT test. Supplements the SAT grammar questions on
Word Focus: Improve your vocabulary by 1,000 words - Our systematic approach to advanced vocabulary building is particularly helpful for students preparing for the SAT test.

Kaplan SAT Critical Reading Workbook
- Ideal if you are having trouble with reading comprehension. Tips and strategies from verbal skills.

Kaplan SAT Writing Workbook
- Advice and practice on essay writing. Grammar review and questions.

Kaplan SAT Math Workbook
- Learn to avoid math traps. Review all the math topics tested in the SAT.
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