John Lewis Case Study

Words: 2778
Pages: 12

Managing People


Introduction to John Lewis Partnership and HRM

Communication and involvement practices

Equal Opportunities legislation – Disability Discrimination



References and Bibliography


Introduction John Lewis and HRM

Introduction to John Lewis Partnership
John Lewis started in 1864 with a small drapers shop on Oxford St in London. John Lewis today is the largest co-owned and democratic company in UK. The John Lewis Partnership's reputation is founded on the uniqueness of its ownership structure and their commercial success. At the time of writing, the John Lewis Partnership has 1 manufacturing company, 1 farm, 26

HRM will also provide training to encourage employee involvement.

Approaches to involvement • Partnership • Participation • Involvement See appendix 5 for concepts on the three approaches

John Lewis Partnership approach to involvement
John Lewis has adopted the Partnership approach to involvement, as I believe they follow all of the partnership concepts as out lined in appendix 4 and further readings below.
John Lewis Partnership exists today because of the extraordinary vision and ideals of its Founder, John Spedan Lewis, who signed away his personal ownership rights. He wanted to leave some clear guidelines for his successors, so that the values, which had motivated him, would not be eroded with the passage of time so he set up the JLP constitution. See appendix 6 for a brief description of the constitution

Involvement employee v management in making decisions within the organisation
See Appendix 1 for concept

Condition for successful EI Scheme / Advantages and disadvantages of Employee Involvement
See Appendix 7

Employee involvement and communication techniques and how JLP put them in practice Hook & Foot (1999)
|Categories |Action |JLP Employee involvement and communication |
| | |systems |
|Sharing information