Word list 12

Group 1

Abysmal very deep; very bad
Approbation approval [opp. disapprobation]
Bent (n) inclination; aptitude
Cadge get by begging
Debacle disaster
Extemporize speak without preparation or rehearsal [extemporaneous (a)]
Incumbents occupiers of a job or position
Lambaste attack verbally
Noisome disgusting
Pastiche work (usually artistic) which imitates, or is composed of parts taken from varied sources

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Group 2

Arboreal living in trees; concerned with trees
Centrifuge device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed
Cloistered isolated
Disabuse make someone aware of an error in thinking
Engendering causing; bringing into being [engender (v)]
Intemperate excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)]
Lugubrious sad; gloomy
Nonplussed confused
Pedagogy science of education; teaching
Satiate satisfy; fill completely [satiable (a); satiation (n)]
Slake quench; satisfy

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Group 3

Artless without effort; without trickery; simple
Comeliness beauty; prettiness [comely (a)]
Doff take off (esp. of a hat)
Don put on (esp. of clothes)
Erudition learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)]
Plaintive sad; mournful
Suborn bribe
Tendentious dogmatic; biased
Tortuous indirect; winding
Verbiage excessive or meaningless wordiness

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Group 4

Atonement making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)]
Complaisance flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)]
Daguerreotype forerunner of the photograph
Fawn behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)]
Gregariousness sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)]
Nascent emerging; newly formed
Paean praise; tribute (esp. in song)
Reproof scolding; criticism [reprove (v)]
Scurvy 1. disease due to lack of vitamin C; 2. contemptible; rascally
Tutelary serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)]

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Group 5

Abscission cutting; process causing leaves to fall off
Contentious causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)]
Debilitating weakening [debilitate (v)]
Foible quirk; minor weakness
Importune beg; solicit [importunate (a)]
Pertain be relevant to [pertinent (a)]
Slew glut; excess
Toady sycophant; flatterer
Torrid hot and steamy
Veracious true [veracity (n)]

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Group 6

Asperity using harsh or critical tone
Blowhard boastful person
Disingenuous crafty
Evanescent short-lived [evanescence (n)]
Intangible cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)]
Labile changing rapidly; unstable
Malapropism use of similar sounding but incorrect word
Posture (v) to put on an act
Proximate immediate; nearest
Pugnacious aggressive, ready to fight [pugnacity (n)]

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Group 7

Foreshadowed indicated a future event [foreshadow (v)]
Gaucherie awkwardness [gauche (a)]
Heterodox unorthodox
Inscrutability quality of being difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)]
Limerick short amusing poem
Mannered stylized; pretentious
Pluck (n) courage
Sedulous persevering; eager and thorough
Syllogism type of logical reasoning
Vicissitude unexpected change in fortune or circumstances

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Group 8

Acolyte disciple; follower or attendant
Admonitory scolding [admonition (n)]
Caprices whimsies; fancies
Cornucopia symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) denoting natural abundance
Deferential showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)]
Intractability stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)]
Luminary eminent person
Minion underling; servant
Undergird support; strengthen
Vitiate weaken; sap energy

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Group 9

Coterie clique; small group with common interests
Denigrate decry; criticize; belittle
Empirical found by experiment or practice
Gainsay contradict
Hyperbole exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)]
Modest 1. bashful; unpretentious; 2. not excessive
Prolixity wordiness [prolix (a)]
Rebus puzzle in which pictures give clues
Sere withered; old
Vulpine like a fox [compare with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like), etc.]

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Group 10

Corroborate give supporting evidence [corroboration (n)]
Exacerbated made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)]
Exact (v) to demand; extort
Faddish whimsical; following a fashion
Hapless unlucky
Misconstrue put a wrong interpretation on something
Perennial long-lasting
Rent torn (past participle of the verb to rend)
Shard fragment of pottery
Xenophobe person afraid of foreigners

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