Case Study Pleural Effusion Essay

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Case Study Pleural effusion
Sandra Gilderson, MSN/Ed, RN

Case Study
Diagnosis and admission A.B. admitting diagnosis pleural effusion, pulmonary infiltrates possible pneumonia based on the result of chest x-ray. Also the presenting signs and symptom provided information that can link to pleural effusion evidenced of his signs and symptoms
Pleural effusion
Is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space, it is not a disease but an indication of a disease (Lavie et al, 2014).
Difference between transudate and exudate
“A transudate effusion occurs primarily in noninflammatory conditions and is an accumulation of protein-poor, cell-poor fluid” (Lavie et al, 2014, p. 549). The fluid is leaking into the pleural

presenting signs and symptoms are connected with the common signs and symptoms of pleural effusion. These includes shortness of breath, chest pain, malaise, nonproductive cough which give rise to the pathophysiological aspect of the decrease lung expansion or chest movement. (Lavie et al., 2014). As A.B. lungs are working to compensate from decrease lung expansion, therefore oxygen is insufficient in the alveoli, so A.B. has to breathe faster, elevated temperature, pain in the chest cavity from inflammation that is visible via chest X-ray. Further, the reason for A.B. signs and symptom is connected to the underlying pathophysiology of pleural effusion.
Differentiate between cardiac and pleural pain
Cardiac pain or chest pain results from a decreased coronary artery perfusion from decreased carbon dioxide and increased myocardial work (Lavie et al., 2014).
Pleural pain result from pain within the pleural cavity or pleural space as a result of fluid accumulation, and is evidenced by patient breathing shallow, labored, and rapid to avoid unnecessary movement of the pleura and the chest wall cavity.
A.B. increased metabolic rate affect nutrition need. Maintenance of protein and energy stores is especially important because nutritional depletion causes a loss of muscle mass including respiratory muscles, and may prolong recovery (Lavie et al., 2014). The increased metabolic rate affect his nutrition need because he is using more energy to breathe, with