Word list 04

Group 1

Ambivalence lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided
Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome
Derogatory uncomplimentary
Exemplify to serve as a good example
Impecunious having no money
Lucid clear
Ornate highly decorated
Precipice steep slope
Salubrious health-giving
Truant shirker; someone absent without permission

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Group 2

Ambulatory able to walk around (used of hospital patients)
Capacious spacious
Desecrate to damage or pollute a holy place
Exhaustive complete and thorough
Impious wicked; profane
Ludicrous ridiculous; silly
Orthodox conventional
Precipitous done in a hurry
Salutary something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial
Truncate cut short

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Group 3

Ameliorate make better
Capitulate surrender; give in to
Desecration spoiling something holy
Exonerates acquits; absolves; removes blame
Impoverished destitute; poor
Lukewarm 1. unenthusiastic; 2. neither hot nor cold
Ossify 1. turn to bone; 2. become fixed and rigid
Preclude prevent or make impossible
Sanctimonious hypocritically holy
Tumult uproar; noise

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Group 4

Amelioration improvement
Carping constant criticism
Desist stop; discontinue; cease
Exorcism getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)
Impromptu unrehearsed; spontaneous
Lummox clumsy person
Ostentatious showy
Precocious developing early
Sanction give approval to
Turpitude depravity

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Group 5

Amiable friendly
Cartographer person who makes maps
Despondent having no hope; miserable
Expatriate refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country
Inadvertent not intentional
Luscious juicy; moist; succulent
Oust push out of a position
Predecessor one who came before
Sanguinary bloodthirsty; bloody
Tyro novice; beginner

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Group 6

Amity friendship
Castigate scold strongly
Destitution hardship; poverty; misery
Expedient convenient; practical
Incantation chant; invocation; prayer
Lynch assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
Overt obvious; not hidden
Predicament dilemma; difficult situation
Sanguine optimistic; cheerful
Ubiquitous found everywhere; omnipresent

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Group 7

Amorphous lacking in shape
Catharsis purging of pent-up emotions
Deter put off; prevent
Expedite make faster
Incarceration putting in prison
Machinations plots and plans
Overwrought worked up; in an emotional state
Preeminent famous; outstanding
Sardonic mocking
Unalloyed undiluted; total

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Group 8

Analgesic medicine to combat pain
Caucus type of private political meeting
Deteriorate worsen; decline
Exposition clear explanation
Incessant without stopping
Maelstrom whirlpool; storm in the ocean
Palatable good to eat; agreeable
Prerogative right or privilege
Savant person with knowledge
Unctuous oily; using excessive flattery

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Group 9

Analogous comparable
Caustic burning
Detrimental harmful
Extol praise
Incipient just beginning
Magnanimous generous; big-hearted
Palisade fence made of posts
Prescient having fore-knowledge
Scale to climb
Undermined damaged; attacked

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Group 10

Anarchy chaos; lack of government
Cavalcade procession of vehicles
Devoured greedily eaten/consumed
Extradite deport from one country back to the home country
Inclination tendency; a leaning toward
Magnate powerful businessman
Palliative a remedy that improves but doesn't cure
Presentiment a feeling that something might happen
Scapegoat person on whom blame is placed for faults of others
Underscore emphasize

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