Nvq Level 3 Essay

Words: 1684
Pages: 7

Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model

1.1 Explain how Positive Behavioural Support has been influenced by:
• Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
• Social Role Valorisation (SRV)
ABA is a scientific process of examining what causes and maintains behaviour, in order to bring about positive change.
SRV promotes valued social roles for individuals who are socially disadvantaged, to help them get some of the good things in life.

1.2 Summarise current legislation and policy guidance relating to Positive Behavioural Support

The current legislation relating to Positive Behavioural Support is titled - the Positive Behaviour Support Policy – Safe management of challenging behaviour in children and young people with learning

* Fast triggers, which are specific events that occur immediately prior to the behaviour. Their impact upon behaviour is rapid or immediate.

3.3 Analyse the role of reinforcement in maintaining behaviour
Reinforcement strengthens behaviour and is of two types – positive and negative. Positive reinforcement works because individuals gain access to things or events that they like or want while negative reinforcement works because individuals get rid of things that they don’t like.

3.4 Explain the time-intensity model
The stages of increasing agitation to crisis point and back again. This helps to understand the emotional and physiological changes experienced during a severe episode of challenging behaviour.

4.1 Describe the key components of functional analysis
The process for identifying or analysing the function or purpose of someone’s behaviour, using a range of structured measures.

4.2 Explain the key methods of analysing behaviour
Direct Observation - For direct observational methods, an observer would watch the client engage in activities within their natural environment. When the challenging behaviour occurs, the observer would record what happened just before it, what happened just after it and also take notes on what they perceive to be the potential cause of the behaviour. This method is used to develop a hypothesis about the function of the behaviour.
Informant Methods - The