10/27/13 Pro!!! Gun Control You probably have heard this saying before, “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, since it’s part of the second Amendment. However, people do not understand that this Amendment is wiping out our fellow innocent citizens. Some people might disagree with me because this amendment allows people to defend themselves from harm way. I can rest sure that if guns control
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With the United States witnessing shooting related massacres and the nation divided left and right, it is time to address and face the issue of gun control. Where one side says, ‘to get a bad guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a gun’ and the other side argues ‘banning guns completely will solve the issue once and for all’, the question arises for many citizens of this country, who is right? It is like living in the Civil War era. America is in a very desolate time and instead of progressing
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Increased gun control in America has been a hot topic that has been widely debated for some time now, and gun control is a term referring to the broad spectrum of restrictions in place that decides what types of firearms can be sold and purchased, as well as who can and who can not buy and or sell these firearms. Laws today prohibit people with certain mental illnesses, felonies, illegal immigrants, and drug addicts from owning guns. As of late, gun control has focused on background checks for buyers
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I believe that our gun control laws are way to weak. I mean, what does anyone need a gun for, anyway? Yes, we all have the right to bare arm, but if nobody had this right, and no one had these weapons, what would we need them for? Alright, I'll admit that abolishing the right to bare arms is a little extreme but no over-reaction is too far out of this world for a noble cause. However, I do believe that we need prompt and incontrovertible corrections for any violation of gun laws. We should have such
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Pro Gun Control Debate: Our Right to Safety Many arguments for and against gun control in our country revolve around the second amendment. Unfortunately the majority of those arguments are based on an individual’s perception of what the second amendment means. The second amendment was adopted into the United States Bill of Rights in 1791, which was 222 years ago. The second amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of free State, the right of the people to keep
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Stephanie L. Valant November 28, 2014 0900-0950 Gun Control Controversial Pro vs. Con “Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America Ratified December 13, 1791 states: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Ref: TeachingAmericanHistory.org) The many Americans that are for gun control and those that are against gun control have taken apart our Second Amendment. Everyone
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Gun Control Gun Control, one of the most debated topics in recent times. With discussions and controversies on whether to enforce stricter laws on owning guns, this discussion on gun control is endless. There is no right and wrong for owning a gun, however, the way people have been abusing the amendment to bear arms is wrong. In recent years more and more issues come up with mass shootings and innocent people getting shot. The gun control policy needs to be much stricter. Guns should not
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2014 The Debate over Gun Control Crime and guns. The two seem to go hand in hand with one another. But are the two really associated? A question that society should ask themselves is do guns necessarily lead to crime? Another question is if so do laws placing restrictions on firearm ownership and use stop the crime or protect the citizens? These are the issues many citizens and lawmakers are asking themselves when setting about to create gun control laws. The debate over gun control, however, is nothing
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Modern issues essay Gun control is a controversial issue for a long time around the world, particularly in U.S. because of a lots of mass shooting in school and public places. The second Amendment of the U.S. constitution is one of the shortest in all of the bill of right, it was written by the time period of American’s birth and it is the spirit of self-defense that help the new citizens of U.S. win their own freedom from the British. But now as the gun shooting problem happening every day in America
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Jeremy Rodas Gun Control 1st Constituent Element Professor Gill-Mayberry ENG 105 10am-11:50 am “The best writing is re-writing”: 2rd Draft, 2 Tutorials, and 0 Teacher Conferences (Provocative Title) Gun Control, A Pro-Life Issue (Hook) While many families suffer from the 12 deaths and many injuries at the Aurora, Colorado Theater shooting, Gayle Trotter, Co-Founder of Shafer & Trotter PLC law firm, wrote that “In lieu of empty gestures, we should address gun violence based
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The Gun Control Debate Jeremy Archer XBCOM/274 04/20/2014 Tynia Landry The Gun Control Debate If there is one argument that the National Rifle Association loves to use, it is that guns are necessary for personal security. This claim became infamous following the Sandy Hook shootings, when Wayne LaPierre went on national television to announce new legislation the organization would be pushing: an armed guard in every school. There are a number of legislators who agree, including this one who
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Yourself Killing; A gun's one function is to kill. Guns are lethal weapons. “In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than 85 deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour” (The Law Center. 2012). Guns have a negative effect on the public as it has brought up hospitals bills, crimes, death rates and suicides. Crime and death rates increased as the number of guns being carried increased. Our right to bear arms
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amendments to the Constitution. When the topic of Gun Control is brought up you will find that there are many opinions divided amongst the population. Whenever there is an election or a major event that happens to involve guns this is a highly debated topic. People that are anti-gun control believe that it is their Constitutional right to bear arms. They also believe that “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. Pro-gun control activist believe that guns are the source to many of America’s violent
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still able to purchase their guns legally. Although I am a huge advocate for guns I still believe that broader gun policy is necessary to contain the violence associated with guns. This topic is creditable because it has been the hottest topic in the news for what seems like forever. People have been talking about gun control ever since the first ever identified mass shooting in 1983. Since I am a gun advocate I have been keeping up with the gun control debates over the years and I
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Prohibition of Guns In David Kapel’s article, “The Ideology of Gun Ownership and Gun Control in the United States” the argument of whether or not guns should be prohibited is being raised to the surface. In today’s society the question of should firearms be banned is being brought up in many American’s daily conversation. Those who wish to keep their right to bear arms argue that guns have been around since the beginning of time and have become a way of life as well as a lifestyle for many Americans
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Mr. Chadwick Government Honors28 March 2014 Gun Control Many people have issues with the federal government deciding if there should be gun control. Some want to completely ban all civilian ownership of firearms and some want to make it harder for people to get guns. Whether they believe guns are good for America or dangerous for America that is still being argued. There are many out there that are against having gun control because they feel their Second Amendment rights are being violated. These
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abortion loving Democrat that wants to take away guns right away from Texans. “I haven’t pursued it as a senator because I know it’s like spitting in the wind,” Davis told the Texas Tribune. “But I still believe it’s the right thing. And if I was governor and a bill came to my desk that provided for background checks at gun shows, I would sign that (http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/18/wendy-davis-pivots-from-abortion-to-gun-control/).” I have a gun, and I had to get a background check for it. This
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Crime and guns. The two seem to go hand in hand with one another. But are the two really associated? Do guns necessarily lead to crime? And if so do laws placing restrictions on firearm ownership and use stop the crime or protect the citizens? These are the questions many citizens and lawmakers are asking themselves when setting about to create gun control laws. My personal opinion is, we should have them to protect ourselves and from dangerous people that have bad intentions with firearms. People
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take this literally and feel they should be able to have any kind of gun they want. There are guns that are specifically designed for military, some local or state law enforcement agencies, and which are illegal for the average person to own. There are a lot of Federal and state laws that have to be met prior to anyone purchasing firearms and, therefore, owning a gun. There are safety laws that have been put in place to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons, children, and the mentally handicapped
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Amanda, Jay Professor Cox English 182 13 Feb 2011 Guns: The Real Truth The public’s policy on guns is a very controversial issue. Some people believe guns should have very strict policies so they are hard to obtain or in some cases just ban them all together as they are only used just for senseless violence. Others think that we should relish the freedom to have guns since they offer protection and can be used for recreational purposes, competitive events or hunting. After careful
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Is Gun Control Necessary? One of the main issues in America today is gun control and whether people have the right to own a gun. Throughout the years, there have been many shootings and crimes due to people owning guns. Due to gun violence many people have unfortunately lost their lives. One of the most horrific tragedies our country has faced was the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 After this disaster our airports became much safer, but what exactly took the government so
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Should Guns Be Outlawed The Right to Bear Arms Pros With the increase of violence among the United States there has been a much needed change in the ownership and purchasing of guns. There are many reasons guns should not be outlawed just as much as why they should. The purpose is that it is not the guns that kill people; it is the people killing people (Debate.org, 2012). Banning guns would be ineffective and would just probably make things worse than what they currently are. There have
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the teacher or administrator designated would be “authorized to carry a concealed firearm or self-defense spray device” (SB656, 2014). It also mandates that the school protection officer must “keep the firearm or device under his or her personal control at all times while on school property” (SB656, 2014). The question now stands, should conceal and carry permits be authorized on school grounds to persons designated as the school’s protection officer? Section II – Maintaining the Status Quo
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English 4 , Block 2 28 April 2014 Gun Control The American government is pushing for harder gun control laws due to the recent shootings. Many Americans are against this appeal because they feel as if the government is trying to trample on the second amendment. President Obama and vice president Joe Biden know that this will be a long fight but thy say have to start somewhere. The U.S government should take bump up the requiremnts own a firearm and what kinds of guns are acceptable. The government wishes
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Gun Control While researching gun control in America we are becoming more and more stricter on our policies. Of course people have different viewpoint on the subjects. It is definitely a subject that we need to take very serious. Gun control is a right that every law-abiding citizen should have since our founding fathers made it our second amendment for a reason. The recent mass shooting such as the movie theatre in Colorado have made people pro-gun control. In those
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citizens to bear arms is being taken away one “gun control” law at a time. Our forefathers built this country by the use of weapons to break free from the British power. Owning and using weapons is embedded into our culture and something that shouldn’t be taken away. Letting citizens have the power to bear arms is what makes this country great compared to countries that don’t let their citizens bear arms like that of China. The proliferation of gun control laws is unconstitutional, hurting our culture
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ARMS TRADE TREATY & GUN CONTROL TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE • ACTION: Define and understand the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and gun control. • CONDITION: In a classroom with the use of references. • STANDARD: The student will be able to define and discuss the Arms Trade Treaty, Gun Control, and the implications of both. ADMIN DATA • Normal safety considerations for this class. • The risk assessment is LOW. • There are NO environmental considerations. • Evaluation: None. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE
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The Pros of Gun Control Over the past decade gun control in America has become quite the topic in most households. “In 2011, over 400,000 people were victims of crimes that involved firearms in the United States”(National Institute of Justice).You would think that most people would support regulations or state mandates that would bring more order to gun control, but our society shows mixed reviews on how to approach the issue. Our country has bred a culture of people who believe that guns are essential
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shooting of two women at a clinic providing abortions, the Public Conversations project began facilitating a multi-‐year, confidential conversation between a group of pro-‐choice and pro-‐life leaders in Boston. The goal of these conversations was to provide a protected space for each side to better understand one another in the belief that
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Mcglynn American Government Research Paper: Gun Control Stricter Gun Control policies have been an ongoing issue in America for the past couple of months. In 2010, gun related offenses caused thirty-one thousand and seventy-six deaths in America through homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than eighty-five deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour. Lawmakers have debated over whether stricter gun laws can fully deter or reduce crime and whether
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