Handout 1: The Sociological Perspective Name: ____________________________________
1. Watch “The Undertaking” where this video examines a family who works in the funeral industry as a window into American feelings on death and dying. Then, respond to the following questions: How do funeral rituals describe by the Lynch family show our cultural values about death and dying? How would a sociologist create a research question to systematically evaluate the claims that the Lynch family makes about death and dying? The funeral industry arguably exists to serve micro-level relationships, consoling individuals who have just lost others central to their social existence. How is the funeral industry connected to institutions at the community and How?
2. Draw up a list of all the statuses you currently occupy and then address the following questions: How many of the statuses on your list are ascribed? How many of them are achieved? What statuses on your list, if any, would not have made your list a year ago? Five years ago? Which of the statuses on your list is most prestigious? Least prestigious? Can you identify and describe any status inconsistencies on your list? Finally, of all the statuses on your list, which one would you identify as your master status? Why?
3. Do you take public transportation? Did you recognize any of the annoying behaviors mentioned in this article? Which ones irritate you most? What other kinds of rude public behavior upset you? When are you most likely to observe it? Is there anything on your list that is specific to your school? What do people do there that is especially rude or annoying? Have you ever been guilty of rude public behavior? When?
Handout 5: Social Groups and Formal Organizations Name: ____________________________
1. Sociologist Robert Merton suggested that in-groups are those that we feel loyalty towards and out-groups are those we feel antagonism towards. Identify some of the in-groups you belong to and identify the opposing out-groups attached to this group. Discuss how your identification with the in-group can be both functional and dysfunctional.
2. Imagine what might happen if a group of modern-day