Gun control in the U.S. A new gun law will not prevent mass murderings, no matter how strict they become with new laws. It is extremely rare to find cases of mentally healthy citizens with registered guns going out and preforming mass killings such has in Arizona, Colorado, and Connecticut, it is inhuman. We must remember that “is it not common sense that it is what is in the heart,not in the hand of a person that makes them a murderer?” (Wright) When deciding a new possible gun law there are many points discussed, but one sticks out like a pink elephant and this point is the size of the assault guns. The average magazine size is fifteen bullets. Anti-gun groups want to reduced that to 10 bullets. This will simply not make them less lethal and once again “is it not commen sense that it is what is in the heart,not in the hand of a person that makes them a murderer?” (Wright) Also, a rumored point is banning guns as a whole. This is being radical dont you think? The number of cases found of citizens getting in to gun fights at grocery stores because someone took anothers parking spot is more rare than unicorns. In all the anti-gun groups point is, “normal" people can't be trusted with weapons to defend themselves or their families, and it is best if they endure whatever assault is made against them until real police arrive to fill out a report and issue a warrant for the attackers.” (Wright) Taking our arms simply goes against our nations beliefs and we must remember that “is it not common sense that it is what is in the heart,not in the hand of a person that makes them a murderer?” (Wright) In response the gun laws do need to be revised because things do change and peoples way of thinking has
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