12 Angry Men The movie “12 Angry Men” is an excellent story about the interactions of 12 male jurors deliberating the fate of an accused murderer. The film opens right after the trial ends and the jury is about to begin deliberating, so the facts of the case and relevant testimony is only revealed through the discussions of the jurors. While this movie has merit on many different levels, for the purposes of this paper it will be used to illustrate examples of various influence techniques. When
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Karina Verano Pd. 2B 12 Angry Men 1. Which characters base their decisions on prejudice? Juror number 4 based his decision based on the fact that the boy on trial grew up in the slum. Juror number 4 said, “He was born in a slum. The slum is a breeding ground for criminals. I know it and so do you. It’s no secret that children from slum backgrounds are menaces to society.” While Juror number ten just doesn’t like the boy bases on his race. Throughout the entire movie, he referred to the boy
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Aja Pound Communication 101 Film Critique #1 12 Angry Men The juror I was assigned was Juror #8, Mr. Davis the architect played by Henry Fonda. During the beginning of the film he seems very disinterested and distracted and wasn’t interacting with the other jurors. But when they are all called to the table and they take the initial vote you really get to see his character come out. As the first dissenter he challenges the others thoughts and views on the whole case. As the protagonist of the
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Donald Kumah Managing People & Organization Spring '14 12 Angry Men Video Analysis This movie has really made me come into terms that we ought to put things that we hear or see into perspective. Especially in the likes of our judicial system, all possible avenues have to be revisited before a decision that will drastically change another man's life is made. As the juror sat down in the beginning of the movie to cast their unanimous vote of guilty to convict the boy accused, the architect or
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Carolyn Zhao Business Law Period 8 12 Angry Men Essay 12 Angry Men is a play set in New York City in 1957. It takes place in a court of law jury room and begins with the Judge instructing the jurors that if the murder case is proven guilty, the defendant will be sentenced with the death penalty. The case involves the son being accused of murdering his father. As a result, the twelve jurors begin voting on if the defendant is guilty or not. All of the jurors vote guilty except for Juror #8. Due
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Nathan Vasquez 10/15/12 12 Angry Men The 12 angry men are a group of jurors. That are deciding whether a 18 year old boy is guilty for killing his father or not. In the beginning when the jurors are in the room they take a vote whether the boy is guilty or not and 11 of the jurors vote that he is guilty and 12 of them so not. And when they all ask why he votes guilty he says that boy deserves a discussion over his life. In the end they all make a dission that the boy
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Brandon Davis Mr Deering Law 120 May 29th 2014 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men was a movie remade in 1997 based on an old play. It starts out in a courtroom where a young man is being convicted after supposedly murdering his father. The jury takes a break and goes into a private room to discuss whether they think that this man is guilty or not. They are all under impression that they all think the young man is guilty. As soon as they get into the jury room, one of the jurors immediately asks
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Judge’s voice is heard, giving a set of final instructions to the jurors. We learn that this is a murder case and that, if found guilty, the mandatory sentence for the accused is the death penalty. After these instructions, the jurors enter. The men file in and decide to take a short break before deliberating. They complain that the room is hot and without air-conditioning; even the fan doesn’t work. All the jurors presume the obvious guilt of the defendant, whom we learn has been accused of killing
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c. Closed ended questions: Yes/no format questions 11. OJ Simpson case: 294-item quesitonaire. Black more likely to side with defendant, held in area with mostly black. Defandants showed that there was reasonable doubt in DNA evidence 12. Belief in a just world: Person who belives in this needs explanation and justification, they’re threatened by the possibility hthat events happen by chance. d. Will berate the victim of a crime or be tougher on the defendant 13. Jury consultant:
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personality. The film Twelve Angry Men relies more heavily on the use of characterization than any other movie I can think of. Due to the lack of special effects and because the film takes place almost entirely in a small jury room the development of characters was key. An important part of characterization deals with how characters are revealed. There are four major methods of revealing characterization: actions, appearance, dialogue, and thoughts. The film Twelve Angry Men makes strong use of all
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Twelve Angry Men highlights the importance of seeing things from more than one perspective. Discuss. Reginald Rose’s play Twelve Angry Men emphasises the importance of seeing things from more than one perspective. Set in a New York jury room in 1957, Rose highlights how important it is that the jury discuss all of the evidence from the case in detail and from multiple angles. Representative of this notion is the 8th Juror who is willing to acknowledge alternative views or interpretations. From
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the group in the film as they pertain to the problem the group is working on. In this film, the numerous functional and dysfunctional properties of the 12-jury men play a big role in analysing and evaluating the main purpose at hand, namely identifying the young man guilty or innocent for the murder of his father. The different roles the 12-jury men play in the deliberation of the capital murder case is prominent. Firstly, a role can be defined as a set of expected behaviour patterns attributed to
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Amy Porter Susan Blake ISC 210 Critical thinking 26 March 2015 Twelve Angry Men The movie Twelve Angry men directed by Sidney Lumet is about following the closing arguments in a murder trial, the 12 members of the jury must deliberate, with a guilty verdict meaning death for the accused, an inner-city teen. As the dozen men try to reach a unanimous decision. While everyone believe the teen is guilty right away all expect one juror. Making so they have to look at all the evidence again to reach
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Comm 302 Professor Koteen March 6th, 2013 12 Angry Men Though the movie is out of date compared to the present day it can still relate to what occurs these days in similar group situations. The movie goes through the stages of group development as the plot unfolds. In the movie "Twelve Angry Men," twelve jury members were given the task to decide a boy's fate. The jury members, when beginning deliberation, were almost unanimous on a guilty verdict. All but one man was in favor
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Twelve Angry Men was not only an entertaining movie, but it was insightful and on the other hand, inspirational. Twelve men walked into a room with opposing views and judgments, but came together in the end with one goal and one united opinion. The fact that one man had the audacity to stand his ground through the entire discussion, and stand up to his eleven opponents takes bravery and courage. On the other hand, the fact that he was able to convince the other men into taking his side is mind blowing
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The movie Twelve Angry Men begins with an eighteen year old boy from the ghetto who is on trial for the murder of his abusive father. A jury of twelve men is locked in the deliberation room to decide the fate of the young boy. All evidence is against the boy and a guilty verdict would send him to die in the electric chair. Even before the deliberation talks begin it is apparent most of the men are certain the boy is guilty. However, when the initial poll is taken a juror registers a shocking
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the direction of a group decision. The story goes that 12 jurors must reach a verdict that could require the death penalty for an 18-year-old defendant charged with stabbing his father to death. The jurors must reach consensus—the verdict must be unanimous. When they begin their deliberations, 11 vote guilty. Only one sees the case differently and is open to considering that there may be reasonable doubt. He raises his concerns about the trial, the evidence, and the performance of the boy’s lawyer
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12 Angry Men is a film that plays on the psychological mind, and highlights many features of Organizational Behavior. As the jury of 12 men convene in a locked room to decide the future, or lack thereof, of a young boy accused of murdering his father, they illustrate movement through the four stages of Bruce Tuckman’s Group Development Model of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. Along with this model, the movie portrays the difficulties and cohesiveness that 12 different men experience
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Jazmin Alfaro Mrs. Danelle Taylor-Johnston English Communications-2 20 November 2014 12 Angry Men Analysis When I first started watching 12 Angry Men, I was dreading it because I was expecting it to be boring but it was the opposite. I am quite sure that the movie was one of the best movies I have seen at school. The juror I was assigned to was #1, who was a timid little man. In the beginning, I noticed that #1 voted the boy guilty because he wanted to to leave the jury, especially since it was
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In the wonderful play, “12 Angry Men” by Reginald Rose, a group of strangers is recruited to form a jury where they must decide on the dramatic choice of life or death for a young defendant. At first, all but one juror believes the boy is guilty, but throughout the play, Juror Eight persuades the others, by showing them certain points like how the knife was common, or the witness downstairs couldn’t have known it was the defendant, to spare the man from the electric chair. With all the evidence against
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Group Dynamics in 12 Angry Men In the 1957 classic 12 Angry Men, group dynamics are portrayed through a jury deliberation. Group dynamics is concerned with the structure and functioning of groups as well as the different types of roles each character plays. In the film, twelve men are brought together in a room to decide whether a boy is guilty of killing his father. The personality conflicts, the joint effort and the functioning of several minds together to search for the truth are just a few
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Twelve angry men character profiles Create a character profile for each of the 12 jurors: Juror 1: juror 1 supervises all the other jurors, he takes his role seriously and wants to be as fair as possible, and he never shows any sign of aggression and listens to the other jurors opinions. Juror 2: juror 2 is the most innocent of the group; he is easily persuaded by the other jurors and can’t make up his mind, he keeps going from guilty to non-guilty and cannot explain his opinions on the case.
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The case in 12 Angry Men was a very interesting argument between 12 jurors about the fate of a young boy accused of murdering his father. There were great arguments for both sides but in the end my opinion is complicated. I think that, yes, he may have killed his father, but he is not guilty because there was reasonable doubt in my mind. All of the facts pointed him guilty at first, but none of it was concrete enough to make him guilty. The woman starring across the el train, the old man seeing the
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“12 Angry Men” by Reginald Rose Response to Text Essay – English 10 – 25 Points Format Requirements: Microsoft Word No less than 500 words No less than 5 paragraphs 1 paragraph = at least 5-7 sentences Times New Roman 12 pt. font Double-spaced 1” margins Include: Your name Date Home School Essay Title Prompt: Throughout life, people interact with one another without ever really knowing one another. Some people are more similar or more different to each other than they care to realize. After
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Comparison essay comparing Juror 3 and Juror 8 What are some similarities between Jurors 3 and 8? What about differences? Oh gosh, it's been years since I've seen the movie (didn't read the play). Okay, Juror #3 is the angry father, and Juror #8 is the guy who stands alone in the INNOCENT vote, right? I suspect the similarities are easier to find by reading the play because the movie really shows their contrasts. There is one similarity in that when they really believe something, they
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Twelve Angry Men is a movie about a young boy on trial for murdering his father. If the boy is found guilty, he will be sentenced to death. The jury men are very aware of this fact, most are perfectly fine with sending this boy to die as one man searches for the empathy of his jury peers. One by one the jury begins to sway toward the not guilty plea, as every fact thrown into conversation gets disproved. Now, one lone juror faces not the pressure of his peers but the pressure of his emotional attachment
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interchangeably with the word “fairness”. In any situation, be it in a courtroom, at the work place or in line at the local store, we all want to be treated fairly. Set in the sweltering summer of 1954, Reginald Rose's socially perceptive play "Twelve Angry Men", demonstrates the dangers of a justice system that relies on twelve individuals to reach a "life or death" verdict with collective states of minds hindered by "personal prejudice". At the beginning of the play, Rose explores the idea that doubt
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10/13/13 12 Angry Men There are many variables that affect communication with the everyday world. Watching 12 Angry Men is one movie where there are many examples as to why certain things affect the way we communicate with other people. Communication is part of everyday life, whether it is verbal or non-verbal. Sometimes we need to think before we speak and realize how things we say can come across in a negative way, even if we didn’t mean it the way it sounded. In the movie 12 Angry Men, they
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one’s color or background and automatically form negative opinions. In the play 12 Angry Men, written by Reginald Rose and other sources it shows that the justice system is flawed due to racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is described as the stereo typing of a certain race based on ones thoughts and actions. This plays a huge role when dealing with the sentencing of an accused. In the play of “12 angry men”, there are many cases in which the jurors discriminated against the accused based
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was going to endure physical and psychological abuse. Our family tried not to retaliate towards the abuser, especially my grandpa who almost killed the guy after hearing the terrible news. Why would men feel entitled to hit the women that they “love”? In the book “Angry White Men”, the author describes men such as this which had led me to believe that more needs to be done in promoting awareness of domestic violence. Domestic violence is, a pattern of behavior used by someone to establish power and
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