Aja Pound
Communication 101
Film Critique #1
12 Angry Men
The juror I was assigned was Juror #8, Mr. Davis the architect played by Henry Fonda.
During the beginning of the film he seems very disinterested and distracted and wasn’t interacting with the other jurors. But when they are all called to the table and they take the initial vote you really get to see his character come out. As the first dissenter he challenges the others thoughts and views on the whole case. As the protagonist of the film we see him start to cause reasonable doubt in the other jurors’ minds. He does this all without saying what he really thinks. He is there just asking questions to provoke a sometimes heated discussion on what really happened causing the other jurors to really think about what they were presented in court.
Mr. Davis’ communicates in a very calm, thoughtful and smart manner, though some would say that he is trying to be deceitful to persuade the vote in his favor. We notice that once the temperature in the room starts to rise so do the tempers of the other jurors. Mr. Davis continually stays calm and focused on his task at hand. This is clearly seen though his non- verbal communication. As I mentioned earlier he regulates his interaction with the other jurors, even throughout the film we learn very little about him. He is very good at limiting/hiding any emotion he may have towards the case. He is continuously calm and presents a certain image. You can tell that he has a high level of self-respect. He is an: other- orientated listener, focused on the needs and concerns of the other jurors while he maintains his own personal integrity and goals.
We have learned that being an effective communicator you have to be able to present your topic with care making sure there is no miscommunication. I feel that Mr. Davis has done this throughout the film by staying calm, presenting the facts in such a way that it makes sense to all the jurors. Letting them all speak and actively listening to
12 Angry Men The movie “12 Angry Men” is an excellent story about the interactions of 12 male jurors deliberating the fate of an accused murderer. The film opens right after the trial ends and the jury is about to begin deliberating, so the facts of the case and relevant testimony is only revealed through the discussions of the jurors. While this movie has merit on many different levels, for the purposes of this paper it will be used to illustrate examples of various influence techniques. When…
Karina Verano Pd. 2B 12 Angry Men 1. Which characters base their decisions on prejudice? Juror number 4 based his decision based on the fact that the boy on trial grew up in the slum. Juror number 4 said, “He was born in a slum. The slum is a breeding ground for criminals. I know it and so do you. It’s no secret that children from slum backgrounds are menaces to society.” While Juror number ten just doesn’t like the boy bases on his race. Throughout the entire movie, he referred to the boy…
Donald Kumah Managing People & Organization Spring '14 12 Angry Men Video Analysis This movie has really made me come into terms that we ought to put things that we hear or see into perspective. Especially in the likes of our judicial system, all possible avenues have to be revisited before a decision that will drastically change another man's life is made. As the juror sat down in the beginning of the movie to cast their unanimous vote of guilty to convict the boy accused, the architect or…
Carolyn Zhao Business Law Period 8 12 Angry Men Essay 12 Angry Men is a play set in New York City in 1957. It takes place in a court of law jury room and begins with the Judge instructing the jurors that if the murder case is proven guilty, the defendant will be sentenced with the death penalty. The case involves the son being accused of murdering his father. As a result, the twelve jurors begin voting on if the defendant is guilty or not. All of the jurors vote guilty except for Juror #8. Due…
Nathan Vasquez 10/15/12 12 Angry Men The 12 angry men are a group of jurors. That are deciding whether a 18 year old boy is guilty for killing his father or not. In the beginning when the jurors are in the room they take a vote whether the boy is guilty or not and 11 of the jurors vote that he is guilty and 12 of them so not. And when they all ask why he votes guilty he says that boy deserves a discussion over his life. In the end they all make a dission that the boy…
Brandon Davis Mr Deering Law 120 May 29th 2014 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men was a movie remade in 1997 based on an old play. It starts out in a courtroom where a young man is being convicted after supposedly murdering his father. The jury takes a break and goes into a private room to discuss whether they think that this man is guilty or not. They are all under impression that they all think the young man is guilty. As soon as they get into the jury room, one of the jurors immediately asks…
Judge’s voice is heard, giving a set of final instructions to the jurors. We learn that this is a murder case and that, if found guilty, the mandatory sentence for the accused is the death penalty. After these instructions, the jurors enter. The men file in and decide to take a short break before deliberating. They complain that the room is hot and without air-conditioning; even the fan doesn’t work. All the jurors presume the obvious guilt of the defendant, whom we learn has been accused of killing…
c. Closed ended questions: Yes/no format questions 11. OJ Simpson case: 294-item quesitonaire. Black more likely to side with defendant, held in area with mostly black. Defandants showed that there was reasonable doubt in DNA evidence 12. Belief in a just world: Person who belives in this needs explanation and justification, they’re threatened by the possibility hthat events happen by chance. d. Will berate the victim of a crime or be tougher on the defendant 13. Jury consultant:…
personality. The film Twelve Angry Men relies more heavily on the use of characterization than any other movie I can think of. Due to the lack of special effects and because the film takes place almost entirely in a small jury room the development of characters was key. An important part of characterization deals with how characters are revealed. There are four major methods of revealing characterization: actions, appearance, dialogue, and thoughts. The film Twelve Angry Men makes strong use of all…
Twelve Angry Men highlights the importance of seeing things from more than one perspective. Discuss. Reginald Rose’s play Twelve Angry Men emphasises the importance of seeing things from more than one perspective. Set in a New York jury room in 1957, Rose highlights how important it is that the jury discuss all of the evidence from the case in detail and from multiple angles. Representative of this notion is the 8th Juror who is willing to acknowledge alternative views or interpretations. From…