American History Study Guide Essay

Submitted By Marcleine
Words: 3018
Pages: 13

Part 1: Short Answer ID s Mercantilism
Mercantilism was a trade theory for a nation to grow in wealth and power on its own measure, or being self-sustaining. England used the colonies that were under their control in order to make Great Britain richer and more self-sustaining without having to rely on other countries as much as relying on the colonists more.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams was not good for anything, except for rioting people up. He was a member of the Sons of Liberty and took part in the Boston Tea Party. He was also a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Samuel Adams was a main factor that allowed for calculated provocations that led directly to the war for independence. He and more would do things that would make sparks in the colonist to help with the war. He was also part of the first continental congress. He had an agenda to break away from Britain.

Headright System
Instituted in 1618 by Virginia because of colony’s abundant land. The headright system encouraged planters to import servants. Each head of household was granted 50 acres of land for paying a person’s trans-Atlantic fare (family of five=250 acres). The law peopled Virginia,leading to the growth of tobacco, and the beginning of the society.

Who: Society of Friends, very religious people
Why: Quakers challenged the Church of England because there was no need for priest, ministers, or bishops.
What: they preached directly and called everyone friend
When: 1674

Ben Franklin

When: April 19, 1775
Who: Major Pitcairn
What: A battle at Lexington
Why: they were trying to kidnap john Hancock and Samuel Adams

Benedict Arnold
Who: a captain in the Governor’s Second Company of Guards
What: he betrayed America for money hoe wife
Why: he betrayed America. For his wife who was used to money
When: spring of 1775

Roger Williams
Williams thought that most people were damned. He insisted church and state should be separate because you can’t know others faith for sure. These teachings threatened the Puritans’ control of the commonwealth.
Edward Braddock
Braddock was in charge of Washington in the battle to take Fort Duquesne. Braddock didn’t listen when George warned him about an ambush so Braddock lost fifteen of eighteen officers in ten minutes. Braddock was shot and died soon after.

Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was a conciliatory message written to King George before the Second Continental Congress met up to draft the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock signed the Olive Branch Petition and the Declaration of Independence. That shows that John Hancock, now president of the Second Continental Congress, tried to make peace but after all techniques failed, he cooperated in the making of the Declaration of Independence.


Jamestown was town that was found in Virginia. They were the first “successful” colony that England made in the New world. The colony was almost wiped put, but was revived due to the new cash crop tobacco. Tobacco brought England in a lot of money, and this made England continue to make colonies in the Americas.

Montezuma was as an emperor of the Aztecs. He thought Cortez was a god, which led to him letting the army come into the city. Cortez took control for a little and took a lot of gold, he was able to do so because he held Montezuma captive. He eventually died and Cortez was thrown out and he came back and almost wiped out all the Aztecs. This helped with the rush to America for gold, which would be a reason for colonies to start as well as land.

Navigation Acts
The Navigation Acts were enforced from 1660 to 1663. The Navigation Acts were designed to record colonial trade and to collect taxes on non-English products. The acts benefited English merchants and port laborers The Navigation Acts demanded that all colonial trade be carried in vessels built and owned by English or colonial