Essay on Pattern of Development in children from birth - 19yrs

Submitted By 79meenaram
Words: 1635
Pages: 7

Pattern of Development in children 0-3 years
Physical Development - Gross Motor Skills
Head can be lifted
Gentle hand and feet movement
Sits unsupported
Will go on hands and knees to crawl

Standalone briefly
Begins to walk independently
Begins to walk up and down stairs holding hand rail
Enjoys climbing and sliding

Physical Development - Fine Motor Skills
Gases attentively at faces
Engage in hand and finger play

Passes objects from hand to hand
Points to and pokes at objects

Feeds self with spoon
Holds cup when drinking
Makes large scribbles with crayon
Draws circles, lines and dots

Communication and Intellectual Development
Understanding that crying gets attention
Able to smile and get a reaction

Starting to copy sounds and say a few words like ‘mum’ and ‘ball’
Able to comprehend and put small words together to form a sentence
Able to answer simple questions when asked
Able to communicate a feeling e.g. happiness went left at nursery for the first time

Jean Piaget (1896) stages of cognitive development for 0-2 years state that babies use their sense to learn. They can see things from their own point of view – they are egocentric and do not know that something that they cannot see still exists
Social Development
Showing happiness towards certain people

Learning to interact with other children
Learning to share toys with child

Wanting to play certain friends

Emotional Development
Developing an emotional connection with people
Still very changeable emotionally

Will respond to careers lovingly

Will show an understanding of play and be upset when an activity stops

Behavioural Development
May assert will strongly, showing angry defiance and resistance to adults
Attempts to bond with new people e.g. giving a toy

Begins to re-in act something shown e.g. throwing a ball

Ability to protest verbally
May get angry at peers and end up biting them

Spiritual and Moral Development
Child discovers trust
Will a cry be answered
Will a need be met
Children become aware of their identities
Independently starting to play with others
Worrying about needs of others but still putting own needs first
May become frustrated as the child wants to do things independently but is unable to as gross and fine motor skills not developed to that level yet

Pattern of Development in Children and Young People of 3-6 year
Physical Development - Gross Motor Skills
Able to make precise face expressions e.g. blink with one eye
Can walk in a straight line successfully

Can bounce and catch ball
Rides bike with stabilizers
Can hop on either leg

Physical Development - Fine Motor Skills
Learns to use scissors
Can cut basic shapes
Writes letters and short familiar words
Learns to sow

Communication and Intellectual Development
Able to ask questions
Able to answer questions
Curiosity about everything
Willingness to share knowledge gained to younger children
Able to read chapter texted books

Social Development
Begins to play aside friends
Becoming social and sharing ideas
Child becomes more independent

Understands that in order to carry out an activity that rules will have to be followed
Able to dress and eat but may have difficulty at times using knife and fork

Emotional Development
Children may have started school so transition maybe unsettling
Friends become important
Approval from adults needed

Control over emotions increase
Child can tell careers of how he/she feels
Empathizes with feelings of others

Behavioural Development
Able to understand consequences of behaviour and the concept of ‘getting into trouble’
Understands when to say ‘sorry’ and the concept of making up
Learning to get along with others more

Good understanding of familiar basic rules
Feels power over arguments with peers
May seek attention

Spiritual and Moral Development
As the infant moves onto becoming a toddler the limits need to be