Proper cleansing is perhaps the key component for acute and chronic wound management. Cleansing methods differ among health care providers and institutions, and many times is based on an individual’s experience and preference. Many cleansing solutions exist today. In this research, the author focused on the use of tap water versus sterile cleansing solutions such as Normal Saline and sterile water. Many cleansing solutions are safe and have been proven to provide effective results, whereas others may damage the tissue, destroy cells, increase infection rates and delay the healing process. Normal saline is regarded as the most appropriate and preferred cleansing solution by health care providers because it is…show more content… Article #3. Cleansing chronic wounds with tap water or saline: a review. A level 4 systematic reviews research. Reference Ljubič, A. (2013). Cleansing chronic wounds with tap water or saline: a review. Journal Of Community Nursing. 27(1), 19-21. Some practitioners advocate that cleansing with tap water is better than with saline for healing and has economic benefits; others say there is no difference in the infection rates or healing with either solution. A literature search was undertaken of the electronic databases for relevant systematic reviews, randomized control trials (RCT) and other evidence based literature using the key words chronic wound, wound cleansing, tap water, saline, infection. No evidence suggesting the use of tap water instead of saline was inappropriate was found. Four studies of 14 RCTs comparing infection rates in wound cleansing with tap water and normal saline in adults and children were identified. The studies evaluated patients in hospitals emergency departments. The trial was a comparison of the effects of tap water and normal saline on the healing and infection rates of acute and chronic wounds. The researchers concluded that there was no significant difference between the infection and healing rates in wound cleansing with normal saline and tap water, and that tap water appears to be a safe alternative. The