GRE Word List 11

Group 1

Abate reduce in intensity
Abjure renounce; swear to refrain from something
Blandishment words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)]
Boor ill-mannered person [boorish (a)]
Cardinal 1. high ranking church official; 2. major, important
Deliberate 1. slow (a); 2. to think over (v); 3. on purpose (a)
Equivocation speaking ambiguously [equivocate (v), equivocal (a)]
Feckless feeble; helpless; lacking in initiative
Imperturbability quality of being calm and not easily disturbed [imperturbable (a)]
Meretricious falsely attractive; tawdry

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Group 2

Augury prediction, looking for omens [augur (v)]
Boycott refuse to have dealings with
Glib slick; superficial esp. in speech
Incise cut into [incision (n); incisive (a)]
Moralistic concerned with morals [moralize (v)]
Ostracism shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)]
Penchant inclination; leaning; tendency; predilection
Rarefy make less dense [rarefaction (n)]
Repine fret; be discontented
Stipulate specify [stipulation (n)]

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Group 3

Diaphanous transparent; thin and delicate
Feint pretended attack; a move intended to deceive
Inured hardened; habituated
Mettlesome spirited [mettle (n)]
Puissance power
Recondite obscure
Stygian very dark
Touting advertising; supporting [tout (v)]
Virtuosity skill, expertise [virtuoso (n); virtuosi (]
Volubility excessive talkativeness [voluble (a)]

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Group 4

Caret punctuation mark signifying omission
Contiguous adjacent; touching; abutting [contiguity (n)]
Damp (used of vibration) reduce in extent
Ellipsis omission of essential words
Extirpation wiping out; complete destruction [extirpate (v)]
Foppish behaving or dressing like a dandy; excessively concerned with fashion
Gaffe blunder; social mistake
Hortatory encouraging; exhorting
Opprobrious expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)]
Recumbent reclining; lying down

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Group 5

Ambidextrous able to use both left and right hands equally well
Culpability guilt [culpable = blameworthy]
Discernment judgment; perceptiveness
Encomium praise
Inveigle coax; cajole; wheedle; entice
Minatory threatening
Ossified turned to bone; become rigid [ossification (n)]
Plumb measure depth of (v); exact (a. slang)
Quintessential most typical; the perfect example of [quintessence (n)]
Runic mysterious; magical

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Group 6

Accretion accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside
Anachronistic occurring in the wrong time period [anachronism (n)]
Chronic long lasting (often used for diseases in which case the opposite is acute)
Churlishness rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
Demagogue mob leader (who appeals to base instincts) [demagogy/demagoguery (n)]
Effrontery daring; audacity (has a negative connotation)
Idyll story or incident in peaceful or ideal setting [idyllic (a)]
Interregnum interval between reigns or governments
Nugatory of minor significance; futile
Sinecure job which pays salary but requiring little effort

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Group 7

Anodized electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal
Aphoristic expressed tersely [aphorism (n) = short statement; maxim]
Canonical orthodox [canon (n) = set of accepted works]
Commensurate equal in significance
Dexterity skill, esp. with hands [dexterous (a)]
Extant still in existence (opposite of extinct)
Impugned challenged; called into question
Probity uprightness; honesty
Raconteur person who relates a story
Solicitous kindly; expressing care and concern

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Group 8

Amalgamate join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)]
Baleful evil
Coerce force [coercion (n); coercing (a)]
Inchoate undeveloped; nascent
Iniquitous evil; unjust [iniquity (n)]
Libertine dissolute person; prodigal
Millinery hats and hat-making
Natty neat; dapper; smart
Occluded obscured; blocked
Sidereal of or related to stars

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Group 9

Avaricious greedy for money
Extirpate wipe out totally
Halcyon peaceful and happy; calm (esp. of summer weather)
List (v) 1. to lean to one side; 2. to write in order
Maudlin sad; sentimental; inclined to weep
Refulgent glowing; radiant
Subliminal below the threshold of consciousness
Testiness irritability; irascibility [testy (a)]
Vituperate attack bitterly
Whittle 1. carve with knife; 2. reduce step by step

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Group 10

Colander bowl with holes used to drain vegetables etc.
Cumbersome bulky; difficult to carry [encumber = to burden]
Diaphanous transparent; thin and delicate
Dispatch 1. send (v); 2. speed; celerity (n)
Epistemology theory of knowledge
Froward stubborn; wayward; disobedient
Supine lying flat on one�s back
Throwback exhibiting primitive, or ancestral, traits
Untoward unexpected
Verisimilar true to life; giving the appearance of reality

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