Imc Portfolio Essay

Words: 3707
Pages: 15

TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic | Page | Decision Making Area 1:Determining the role of IMC Tools * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 3 | Decision Making Area 2:Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the IMC Program * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 8 | Decision Making Area 3:Investment Decisions * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 12 | Decision Making Area 4:Message Strategy Decisions * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 16 | Decision Making Area 5:Measuring the effects of IMC * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion |
This can be done by actually listening to consumers and how they feel about the brands they interact with. |

1.4 Conclusions
The fundamental principle of IMC is getting the right message to the right audience. Determining the role of the IMC tools means understanding where and how each tool fits into the IMC strategy. In selecting which tools to use marketers need to evaluate if the use of the tool, or combination of tools, will generate short -term financial returns while building long-term brand and shareholder value (Belch, et al. 2012).

The articles show a trend towards online and interactive tools being used to better understand consumers. The use of new media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Social Gaming Platforms, is providing marketers with new avenues to use both existing IMC tools (i.e. Advertising) and emerging tools (i.e. Interactive Marketing). The articles highlight the use of data mining and the increasing need to use it so that the consumers and the clients get the full benefit of the actual brand.

2.0 Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the IMC Program
IMC requires the setting of objectives for many reasons, the key one being what needs to be done to solve the marketing communication problem. They guide the development of the IMC plan and also set the benchmark for evaluating the performance of