Chapter One: 1.4 Arguments and Explanations/ Page 24-26 Essay

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Pages: 4

Chapter One: 1.4 Arguments and Explanations/ Page 24-26
Exercises 10: This is essentially an argument. The author argues, “Love looks not with eyes but with mind.” However, Shakespeare primary argumentative claim is that true love is able to ignore superficial beauty and appreciate the genuine value of a person. Thus, he believes that Cupid, being the agent of love, is therefore blind to appearance. Cupid is often portrayed in art as wearing a blindfold, "painted blind". Yet, the following passage contains some argument and has been interpreted as argument. Therefore, the entire propositions preceding the first judgment and/ or claim of the passage serve as premises.
Exercises 11: This is an explanation passage; the author explains the

He seems to have a logical reasoning argument that the moral goodness is will not be assurance in the position of rightness. Yet, as the argument stands, the both promises and conclusion is the evidence of this passage to be an argument.
Exercise 17: This is an argument passage; the author argues that man does not invent the shape, mathematics or laws, but they discovered it those three subjects. Yet, he believes that we as human beings are so talent to discover things, particularly the mentality man that must have power over a natural element of the mind of God. Therefore, the stands of this argument’s interpretation are all the propositions preceding the first sentence of the passage serves as conclusion.
Exercise 18: This is pretty clearly an explanations passage; the author explain the fact of the celebration and timing holiday are formal procedure, by no hesitation in embracing the holiday and joining with believers and nonbelievers alike to celebrate what the society have in common. Hence, due to all of the interpretations of this proposition that is preceding the passage serve as a premise.
Exercise 19: This is essentially an argument; the passage actuality argues that all the ethnic movements are two-edged swords. The argument is the culture movements are necessary to repair injured collective when turning to political, as it was, demonstrate in the German history. As the