Accolade | praise |
Allusion | indirect reference |
Ambivalence | uncertainty; having 'mixed' feelings |
Ambivalent | unable to decide |
Analogy | comparison |
Anecdote | short account of something interesting; story |
Anomalous | odd; not fitting the pattern |
Apparition | ghost; something that 'appears' |
Aspersion | negative feeling; damaging remark |
Belligerence | aggression |
Bombastic | too elaborate; exaggerated |
Candid | truthful |
Capricious | changeable; fickle |
Cherished | cared for; firmly-held |
Cliche | over-used expression |
Conception | 1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy |
Convoluted | complicated or long-winded |
Credence | belief |
Cryptic | hidden |
Currency | 1. widespread acceptance, 2. money |
Decorous | good and correct (used of behavior) |
Denunciation | act of speaking out against |
Derailed | thrown off course |
Derivative | unoriginal |
Despotic | acting like a tyrant |
Detritus | rubbish |
Diaphanous | very thin and transparent |
Dictum | often-used saying |
Dilettante | person who dabbles in the arts |
Disdained | showed contempt for |
Dispassionate | unbiased; fair |
Dowager | an elderly woman of elevate social status |
Dubious | doubtful |
Egalitarian | equal; believer in equality |
Elicit | draw out (used mainly for information or feelings) |
Elliptical | 1. shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect |
Epitomizes | acts as a typical example of |
Equivocate | speak ambiguously/vaguely |
Evasiveness | trying to avoid something |
Explicitly | very clear; nothing hidden |
Foraging | searching for food |
Hypothetical | based on guesswork; not proven |
Iconoclast | person who goes against accepted authority |
Idiosyncratic | quirky; unique to an individual |
Imponderable | cannot be understood |
Indecorous | not well-behaved; lacking in dignity |
Indigence | extreme poverty |
Inept | clumsy |
Inherent | inbuilt; genetic |
Intricate | complicated |
Irrefutable | cannot be proved wrong |
Jingoism | using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism |
Jubilant | joyful |
Judicious | fair and equal |
Lament | express regret over something |
Loquacious | talkative; using too many words |
Mendicancy | begging |
Metaphorical | not literal; figurative |
Milieu | environment; surroundings |
Mitigated | made less severe |
Nascent | just begun; in an early stage of development |
Nostalgia | longing for the past |
Obtrusive | easily seen |
Orthographical | concerned with writing and spelling |
Ossified | become fixed and rigid |
Ostentatious | showy |
Palpable | can be felt |
Pastoral | 1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone |
Pedestrian | 1. boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n) |
Perfidy | treachery; betrayal |
Profligacy | wasteful and immoral behavior |
Prohibitive | very expensive |
Prudence | wisdom; caution |
Pugnacious | aggressive |
Purveyor | one who sells something or causes something to spread |
Resonance | echo |
Respite | break (from work etc.) |
Resurgence | revival |
Sparse | thin; not thick |
Stringent | strict |
Succumbing | giving in to; falling under the influence of |
Supercilious | arrogant |
Tenacity | firmness of purpose |
Transcend | go beyond a limit |
Variegated | multicolored |
Venerable | worthy of respect |
Viable | workable; able to live or grow |
Visceral | concerned with the 'guts'; physical rather than mental |
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