Essay on Understand the diversity of individuals with dementia and the importance of inclusion

Words: 1704
Pages: 7

4222-370] (
Written questions
[Outcome 1] Understand the concept of diversity and its relevance to working with individuals who have dementia
1.1- explain what is meant by the terms
• diversity
The Service Users i deliver care to are all different in many ways.This can be along the dimensions of gender, age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, political beliefs, religious beliefs or other ideologies. This means that i have to be aware of a person’s individuality and respect their choices. To be understanding and not show prejudice. Valuing the benefits of someone being different from ourselves, not making assumptions.

• anti-discriminatory practice
Anti discriminatory practice is the

DR is bed bound, it has been identified that DR needs to be turned regularly so that his bedsore can heal affectively, he requires 5 calls a day to make this possible. This is so important to his health. If this hadn’t been identified than DR’s bedsore could get worse, he could be in a lot of pain and discomfort.
2.2- compare the experience of dementia for an individual who has acquired it as an older person with the experience of an individual who has acquired it as a younger person
Dementia is more common in people over the age of 65, therefore there are more services provided, such as day care, i recently worked a couple of days in a day centre, all the service users were over 65, we played bingo, dominoes and listened to old war time songs, they got involved and really enjoyed the time they spent there. All these activities are centred around the service users being older. If a younger person under the age of 65 with dementia was to attend this day centre, they may not be able to relate or enjoy these activities as much. I don’t think there are as many serviced available to the young living with dementia.
Most of my service users are over 65. I did have one service user AK that was only 46. She was very independent and could still manage day to day living; she often went out and was very active. She conversated very well and was aware of her illness which is a rarity. But there was no other service available for her, no where that she could meet other