“Should Marijuana Be Legal?” Garrett Phillips Prof. Ford GOVT 2305.PR1 October 17, 2013 The debate for the legalization of marijuana is a touchy subject for some, but is becoming more and more prominent and open in today’s society as old fallacies are proved false, and new discoveries prove this substance to be beneficial. Abraham Lincoln once stated that “to control a man’s appetite by legislation makes a crime out of things that are not crimes…”. While this quote was in reference
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Legalize! How many people in the world have died from marijuana use this year? None. Not one person has died from it since the beginning of recorded history. Then why is the government so hard on the substance and the people using it? Four fifths of all the money the government is spending on the drug war is for the prohibition of marijuana, so to legalize it would be the most sensible solution. They would go from spending billions of dollars on prisons and law enforcement, to making billions
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Also if Marijuana were to be legalized, America’s economy would receive a healthy stimulation and generate more jobs. If marijuana were to be legalized, America’s economy would receive a healthy stimulation and generate more jobs. Many people a year go to jail for marijuana-like charges and 80 % of those are for simple possessions [Ghosh]. The thousands of people that occupy jails each day use resources that tax payers have to provide. This also ruins teenagers and adult’s lives in society and it’s
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reason marijuana is illegal and why it should be legal. I. Introduction a. Not many of us think of why some substances are illegal. We think that all drugs are bad and make you do bad things, including marijuana. But if you dig a little deeper you might find something pretty interesting II. Body a. Why marijuana is illegal a.i. The war on drugs, according to HighTimes, has been and will always be about the government keeping there power. a.ii. When an idea of the prohibition of marijuana was
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Validity Genre A Johnson, Gary. “Legalize Marijuana to stop the Drug Cartels.” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 26 Aug. 2010. Web. 25 Sept. 2014 How marijuana correlates to the crimes of the Cartel. Pro Reliable Internet Newspaper Article B Jacques, Renee, and Todd Van. “This is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere.” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 26 Sept. 2014 All the Reasons why Marijuana is not harmful and should be legalized. Pro Reliable Internet
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Should Marijuana be legalized? Yes! The first and most basic reason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask 'why should marijuana is legalized?" but I ask, "Why should marijuana be illegal?" From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana
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Unit 2 EA2 – Persuasive Essay “Why Marijuana Should Be Legal” A Gallup poll released on Tuesday reveals that for the first time in history, Americans are more in favor of legalizing it than criminalizing it. 2013 has markedly been a successful year for marijuana legalization, with Colorado and Washington both passing laws to decriminalize the drug. Majority of Americans agree that marijuana should be legalized. It gives a great reason why the congress should legalize marijuana. Here are reasons why marijuana should
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Marijuana is a misunderstood drug that is thought of as dangerous, when in fact it is anything but. The first and most basic reason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask “Why should marijuana be legalized?” but we should ask “Why should marijuana be illegal?” Although there are many perceived negative effects and misconceptions of marijuana, legalizing the banned drug may bring about positive social change. Such changes would be: improving
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Marijuana In California The problem chosen for my project is about marijuana problem in California. According to California Health and Safety code 11018, "Marijuana” means “all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or its resin. It does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks
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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized The first reason that marijuana should be legalized is because there is no solid reason for it to be illegal. People are asking “Why should marijuana be legalized?" while we should be asking "Why should marijuana be illegal?" From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana.
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Final Essay Developmental Choices- Marijuana over other substances Marijuana is an illegal substance in the United States of America. The drug is no worse than alcohol and cigarettes in anyway; plus those two harmful substances are actually legal. Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are statistically, and have been proven to be, lethal. The big question by many individuals is, “why shouldn’t it be legal?” (Polley interview) Marijuana is the one drug out there that can
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DeLeon EN 102 Mr. Dubow March 24, 2015 Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal Throughout the years there has been several controversies in the United States from alcohol consumption, smoking tobacco, and even civil rights. In today’s generation there is a new controversy that is on the rise. That controversy is the smoking of marijuana, or weed. It has slowly but surely became a major situation all over the nation and states have one by one legalized marijuana in one or two forms: medical or recreational
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Why Marijuana should be legalized? Cannabis, better known as marijuana, has been in The United States before The United States was an actual country. Since then, many lawmakers have opposed the plant contrary to scientific as well as statistical findings that point to legalization. Current laws and statutes that criminalize marijuana do not dissuade the general public from using it or adequately punish those who do use it. Marijuana should become decriminalized, regulated, and legalized for recreational
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Legalization of marijuana has been in the headlines for some time now. Why? What is the big idea? Who cares you might ask? Who is affected by these laws and how would it be different if pot was a legal narcotic? How would it be controlled? How does the illegalization of marijuana affect our constitutional rights? Are our constitution rights affecting the common good in a negative way? Many questions may come along with the plant. Many people are not informed on “weed”. It is time for some truth regarding
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Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana? I disagree to the the article about legalizing and taxing marijuana. I feel that the government will be the only ones to benefit out of it, and it will only hurt the health of the population more. Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the United States and around the world. If the government were to legalize marijuana it would increase the number of marijuana users. In todays, society there are 15.2 million marijuana users,
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Should Marijuana Be Legalized? In America’s eyes, marijuana is one of the biggest enemies. Since alcohol and tobacco, both life threatening substances, are legal it is relevant to question, why marijuana is illegal. American taxpayers can partially answer this question when they fill out their tax forms during tax times and when they hear the hash rhetoric used against marijuana by the government. With the fact being that marijuana is illegal is sufficiently caused by the amount of money, jobs
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Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is illegal in many parts of the United States, yet there are some states in which it has become legalized. As of 2011, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, have made marijuana legal (Walkley, Alison, 199-2012), while on the other hand, there are twelve more states that are pending the legalization of marijuana. One reason marijuana should be legalized is for anyone
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Gabrielle Gilliam Mrs. Miller English IV-7 9 November 2011 Marijuana Legalization Marijuana is the dried blossom of cannabis sativa and cannabis indicia plants. It is a leafy annual plant with parts that are used as herbs, animal food, medicine, and as hemp for rope-making. Marijuana is banned in the United States due to moral and public health reasons. Marijuana is also banned because of continuing concern over violence and crime associated with production and distribution of the drug. After
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Legalization of Marijuana Since the 1930’s, legalizing marijuana has been an ongoing issue. Marijuana is also known as cannabis, THC, and herbs. According to Tuturo (2013), “The government classified marijuana as a schedule 1 type of drug. This means it has potential to become abused by those who consume cannabis” (pg.1). This made marijuana prohibited throughout the United States. Prohibition created a controversy between whether to permit the use of marijuana for special cases. In some
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Regulation of Recreational Marijuana in the United States Ana Gomez College of the Desert Introduction Recreational marijuana should be regulated by the government in the United States. Why should we decriminalize it when people are going to smoke it or eat it whether it is legal or illegal? In short, the war in drugs over the past 40 years has failed. So we need to take another prospective; Rather than totally legalize marijuana or prohibit it, in my opinion, there are other strategies
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Marijuana has been used for years as leisure to many people. What some people do not know is that, with doctor’s approval and/or supervision, it can be used as treatment and even a cure for many things. So why are we so skeptical? By doing some research and digging deeper into the subject, we can find some pros and cons to medical marijuana. But what happens if the pros outnumber or overcome the cons? Why are we still debating something that some states already have solved? The issue of legalizing
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whether marijuana should be used for medicinal purposes or not. Some people believe that medical marijuana has no use in our society and in fact, would only cause problems. Some people however, say that it serves as a great form of pain relief for patients with arthritis, glaucoma… etc. I will be disproving some of the reasons why medical marijuana shouldn’t be available for purchase. Many of the elderly who have nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, movement disorders, and arthritis use marijuana to have
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Legalization of Marijuana Levi Welshans Composition Professor Prince June 6, 2012 Introduction Marijuana has been the source of much debate in recent years. Many believe that this plant is special, and that this plant is less damaging than alcohol or tobacco. Some individuals believe it offers more than just physical and mental relief. They believe that it has the power to heal diseases. In the medical field, many have questioned where this evidence is. There have been studies of marijuana for decades
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controversial issues facing our generation is “Should the US legalize marijuana?" Individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves, the first reason that marijuana should be legal is that there’s no proven reason for it not to be illegal. Marijuana is proven to be a lot less dangerous than some other legal drugs, which are alcohol and tobacco also many doctors agree on the fact that it can reduce the pain of many sicknesses .in addition, if marijuana was legal, and the U.S sold it and placed tax
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in debt, there seems to be an even bigger issue America faces; Marijuana. Each year, Marijuana takes the innocent lives of zero people. This staggering number has stayed mainly consistent for the past 2000 years, although some researchers believe that this natural plant has been around since 6000 BC. The effects of marijuana are obvious, and have been illegal in the United States since the 1930’s. The negative effects of marijuana are hunger, happiness and sleepiness. Each year, 14,000 deaths
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Marijuana Legalization “Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” ― Bill Hicks In my opinion I think that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use. THC and CBD a chemical that enhances marijuana's effects , marijuana's primary cannabinoids, are both cancer killers. No, I'm not talking about using marijuana to help manage cancer's effects. It's actually
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issue has gotten so out of hand that some states have even opted to try legalizing drugs such as marijuana in an effort to control it. This is one of the most controversial issues we are facing today. Should marijuana be legalized? When you think about how alcohol and tobacco, two of life’s most threatening substances are legal it makes you wonder. Alcohol, in my opinion is the most dangerous of the legal drugs in this country “More than 20 million people in the United States and have a serious drinking
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Hector Moradel Mr. Barbour ENG 111 FJT01 8 June 2014 Marijuana, Should We Have It? As everybody already knows just a few recent months ago the states of Washington and Colorado legalized the use of marijuana for recreational use. What this means for people in these states that are already using it for recreation use, is that they won’t get persecuted for having it. It also means that there will be a great increase in usage of marijuana, because it will become more culturally accepted since no
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Why is a plant that has never been proven to be harmful, illegal? Other drugs that are legal such as alcohol and cigarettes kill millions a year. With the legalization of marijuana, thousands of jobs for Americans would be created. The cartels of Mexico would be dealt a massive blow. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has other uses besides just for smoking; Marijuana can be turned into a paper, an alternative fuel source, and for pharmaceutical uses. An increase from the taxation of marijuana would
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Ferdinando Language Arts 56 March 20, 2015 Oui Oui to Weed Marijuana is usually known as the drug that is a gateway to many other drugs, but is it really? The real name for it is called cannabis but many people use nicknames like weed, pot, reefer, ganja, herb, and hemp. What people don’t realize is that alcohol is more damaging and destructive to people. If you try some alcohol, you won’t go to jail. If you try marijuana once you could go to jail, or at least get in more serious trouble than if you were caught with
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