The non-medical use and abuse of prescription drugs is a serious public health problem in this country. Although most people take prescription medications responsibly, an estimated 52 million people have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons at least once in their lifetimes. They are potentially deadly when taken in large doses or when combined with alcohol or other drugs. Take Gerald Levert, an R&B singer, who passed away at the age of 40. It was accidental acute intoxication because of a combination of prescription and over-the-counter drugs; including Vicodin, Percocet, and Darvocet for his shoulder and Achilles tendon injuries, also Xanax for anxiety attacks. Just because they are legal does not mean that pharmaceutical drugs are any less dangerous than illicit drugs.
There are several misconceptions about taking prescription drugs without a prescription. One is that people think because they are prescribed by a doctor and are legal that they must be safe. They tend to believe that they are safer than illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Individuals have confidence in that they are not as addictive. There is also the belief by many using prescription drugs, even recreationally, that they can quit whenever they want. Taking these drugs without knowing the warning signs and getting behind the wheel of a car or heavy machinery, could ultimately be fatal.
The fact is prescription drugs are very powerful and that is why they require a prescription from a doctor, so their use can be monitored more closely. Doctors regulate use of these drugs so they can inform patients about the risk factors and side effects. Taking more than you are prescribed increases your chances of severe side effects and up to addiction. Drug abuse is discriminatory; it does not care about race, gender, age or social status.
Prescription drugs are everywhere, they are advertised daily on television, easily purchased without a prescription online, and most people have them in their medicine cabinets. The younger generation has begun to use them as a way to self-medicate; they get them from home and through friends. Even drug dealers are selling them because they have become more popular than illicit drugs like cocaine and marijuana. People are becoming more susceptible to sharing their prescriptions with others, not thinking of the affects they could have. Individuals tend to believe that a pill can fix almost any problem they have because that’s how they are advertised everywhere you look. There continues to be a more social acceptance of using medications, so the misuse is not frowned upon by many as drug abuse.
Many people, of all ages, misuse prescription drugs to relieve pain, if they have sleeping problems, have trouble focusing, or just want to get high. Every person has their own excuses for using. They may be finding different ways to cope with the pressures of life’s demands, dealing with stress that occurs because of adaption, frustration, and overload of daily problems. Peer pressure is and always has been a factor concerning drug abuse. Younger individuals have their own set of rules concerning authority figures and friends, having the mind set to be adventurous and be like others in the “group”. Users think that drugs help them by keeping them motivated, by enhancing their performance, to be more creative, relieve tension, and most commonly it makes them feel good about themselves.
An analysis from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) showed that in 2008 emergency room records reported that more than 4.3 million visits were associated with some form of drug abuse. This number is up over an overwhelming 70 percent from2004. Almost half of the 4.3 million were results of drug misuse or abuse. The remaining 2 million were the result of legal medical use of prescription and over- the- counter drugs. ("Prescription Drugs More Dangerous Than
is no legal consent Fraud in the Inducement If deception relates not to the thing but merely to some collateral consent as effective as any consent Rape Shield Laws Prohibit the introduction of evidence concerning a victim’s past sexual activity Homicide Actus reusThe unlawful killing of human being or causing the death of a person First degree murder Deliberation and premediation as well as malice Legal Equation: Premeditated and deliberate intent to kill another + act that is legal and…
is known for a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or, in some states, any legally occupied place as a place in which that person has certain protections and immunities permitting him or her, in certain circumstances, to use force to defend themselves against an intruder, free from legal responsibility/prosecution for the consequences of the force used. (, 2014) Stand Your Ground Law is referred to as a law that states that a person may use deadly force in self-defense…
confronted by an intruder with the freedom to retaliate with deadly force without facing any consequences because it was a movie. The Stand Your Ground law, “Authorizes the use of deadly force if a person reasonably feels at risk of death or great bodily harm”, has now made this fantasy into a reality for American citizens. By over shadowing the ‘duty to retreat’ fundamental principles of law, civilians are now given the right to retaliate with deadly force without thinking twice. This subjective way of…
com/browse/force?s=t. n.d. Web. Feb 15, 2013. "excessive force." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 25 February 2013. . “NH House considers restricting use of deadly force.” Jan 22, 2013. Web. Feb 15, 2013. “Police Investigations of the Use of Deadly Force Can Influence Perceptions and Outcomes.”…
December 10, 2012 Drug Trafficking in the United States “The war on drugs has become the longest most deadly war the United States has ever faced.”(Wright, 2011) The United States has been fighting drug trafficking since the 1900’s and the main dilemma is how to exactly stop it. Some people believe that making drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and methamphetamine legal in the United States would put a stop to drug trafficking, but this is just going to do nothing but make things…
overseas markets one could argue the manufacturers lack of respect for life. It should be in the company’s best interest to take in consideration the health and safety of people and animals. These manufactures are knowingly making dangerous and even deadly products available to communities in third world countries. DowElanco sold its weed killer Galant in Costa Rica, although the Environmental Protection Agency forbade its sale to U.S. farmers because Galant may cause cancer.2 These companies need to…
plant waiting to be shipped, but today it is seen as a deadly and addictive gateway drug. Cigarettes are seen as the ultimate gateway drug because you have to master a unique method of intake similar to the illegal drug marijuana. Most smokers will typically look to marijuana to get a certain “high” rather than smoking a cigarette. This may lead to an even more extreme addictive habit if not controlled. Cigarettes are a very dangerous legal substance that has affected many people, and most teens…
police officers, and especially a security officers, have to take in this order to avoid legal action. I’m not comparing security officers to police and law enforcement, but all commissioned officers in security must use these steps of defense before pulling there weapon. Which bring us to the 5th and final level of, lethal force. This is only used if the officer feels that the individual poses a serious our deadly threat to the officer or other individuals. When an officer draws his weapon in defense…
to use marijuana on a regular basis for a long period of time, their bodies can become almost immune to its affects. They then search for a different drug to cause them to get that high feeling again which leads to more dangerous and deadly drugs. It is far more deadly and much more dangerous to abuse crack/cocaine rather than pot. Marijuana has many short and long term effects on the body. When under the influence of the drug there is a loss of coordination and balance, due to the THC reaching…
Megan Travers July 10,2013 One of the biggest blights of American History was the practice of legal slave trading and ownership during the days of the Atlantic-Slave Trade. The enforced migration of Africans to the Americas in conditions of slavery lasted from the middle of the sixteenth century until the 1860s and constituted the largest movement of people across the Atlantic until the middle of the nineteenth century. 1The repercussions of this practice are still felt to this day. Although slavery…